Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Landmines in eastern Ukraine

dimanche 10 avril 2016 à 02:00

The rebellious area of eastern Ukraine is full of landmines, which kill civilians trying to return home.

Natural gas pipeline + nuclear power plant

dimanche 10 avril 2016 à 02:00

Expanding a natural gas pipeline close to a nuclear power plant: asking for trouble.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission puts its rubber stamp on every pipeline application. This is the inspiration for the "rubber stamp" protest that is planned.

Urgent: FTC commissioners

dimanche 10 avril 2016 à 02:00

US citizens: call on Obama to nominate commissioners for the Federal Trade Commission who will defend people from abuses by businesses.

Shortage of rain in Tasmania

dimanche 10 avril 2016 à 02:00

Tasmania has the same problem as Venezuela: shortage of rain leads to shortage of electricity.

One of the predicted effects of global heating is bigger and more frequent droughts, as well as bigger and more frequent floods. We will more and more often find big expensive hydropower dams high and dry, leading to more use of fossil fuels. This is a positive feedback effect, and they make it even harder to escape disaster.

But we can still escape, if we push hard enough in the right direction.

Remote car shutoff by loan companies

dimanche 10 avril 2016 à 02:00

When car loans impose a remote shutoff device, loan companies can use this power to get away with cheating.

They have various habitual ways of screwing customers. Pushing across the line, to see if they get away with it, is their way of life.

I think it should be a crime for companies associated with selling or insuring a car to put remote shutoff or interference devices into cars.