Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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lundi 16 juillet 2018 à 02:00

Syriza has morphed from a leftist party of resistance into a government of occupation which has made it a crime to protest evictions of the poor. Syriza obeys foreign orders on all sorts of issues, doing whatever the plutocrats want.

Replacing Syriza would change little if its replacement surrenders the same way. To change something, it would need to force the banksters (and the governments that obey them) to stop oppressing Greece. It would need to launch a rebellion against the occupation forces.

Are Greeks ready to rebel against the banksters?

"Diversity" in a small body

lundi 16 juillet 2018 à 02:00

"Diversity" in a small body can easily come to mean a tokenism that makes plutocracy palatable.

This is why I refused to vote for Obama merely because he was black, and refused to vote for Clinton merely because she was female. They didn't stand against plutocracy and banksterism. Clinton didn't stand against militarism, either.

There are situations where diversity is directly beneficial. For instance, it is important that a large medical study include women and that it include blacks. There may be significant medical differences between them and white males.

It can be helpful to include women and minority groups in local decisionmaking bodies because it isn't feasible to limit those bodies to the servants of the elite.

Future of affirmative action

dimanche 15 juillet 2018 à 02:00

The bully's next Supreme Court choice might eliminate affirmative action by reversing the decisions that permit it.

Copyright directive injustices

dimanche 15 juillet 2018 à 02:00

The proposed EU copyright directive would impose several specific new injustices.

That is on top of the basic injustice of perpetuating a system that already restricts people far too much.

Ruling on asylum seekers

dimanche 15 juillet 2018 à 02:00

A court ruled that the US cannot jail all asylum seekers as they await their hearings, in the absence of specific reasons about the person.