Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Urgent: Give the USPS more funds

jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 02:00

US citizens: call on Congress to give the USPS more funds ASAP.

The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.

If you call, please spread the word!

Urgent: call on Congress to pass the Eric Garner Act

jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 02:00

US citizens: call on Congress to pass the Eric Garner Act, prohibiting thugs from using chokeholds.

The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.

If you call, please spread the word!

Urgent: Migratory Bird Protection Act

jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 02:00

US citizens: phone your congresscritter to ask per to sponsor the Migratory Bird Protection Act.

The Capitol Switchboard numbers are 202-224-3121, 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588.

If you call, please spread the word!

Changes in the new NAFTA

jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 02:00

The changes in the new NAFTA have made little difference to the domination of Mexico by lawless US businesses.

In other words, it is still a business-supremacy treaty.

Nonetheless, the new NAFTA eliminates one of the outrageous parts of the old one: the ISDS clause that authorizes foreign companies to sue governments over laws that get in the way of their profits. We must eliminate all ISDS clauses.

(satire) Consulting firm Hewitt Lord

jeudi 9 juillet 2020 à 02:00

(satire) *In a lengthy report laying out recommendations it described as absolutely essential to its client’s future success, consulting firm Hewitt Lord Advisors suggested Tuesday that a business keep the consulting firm on for six more months.*