Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Autism therapy for infants

mardi 21 septembre 2021 à 02:00

Communications training for parents while a potentially autistic baby is one year old helps many of them to a milder form of autism.

Established research

mardi 21 septembre 2021 à 02:00

(satire) *Fourth-Grader's Report On Anacondas Largely Rehashes Established Research.*

Life on the line

mardi 21 septembre 2021 à 02:00

(satire) *Tucker Carlson announced Thursday that he would be putting his life on the line by getting a booster shot for a Fox News investigation into the Covid-19 vaccine.*

Queer people hiding

mardi 21 septembre 2021 à 02:00

Queer people in Afghanistan are hiding, expecting the Taliban to hunt for them to murder them.

Global heating dereliction

mardi 21 septembre 2021 à 02:00

The primary cause of the worsening situation [of global heating] is not the combustion of fossil fuels, but the massive political dereliction that has allowed the bonfire to go on after we knew that it posed a potentially lethal threat to humankind.

We have no precedent for malfeasance at this scale therefore we have no law, no accountability—and so far—no remedy.*