Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Repression of journalists

mercredi 5 juin 2019 à 02:00

Australia is repressing journalists and a publisher over publication of leaked information about Australia's government activities.

This comes after searching the records of a journalist who reported on plans to extend Australia's spying on Australians.

I have a feeling that this reflects the example of US repression of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

The Theater of Security Authority

mardi 4 juin 2019 à 02:00

When the TSA (Theater of Security Authority) says that people will need TSA-approved ID cards in order to fly, this is simply false.

I've verified this page with an expert.

Imported drugs

mardi 4 juin 2019 à 02:00

Most of the generic drugs sold in the US are imported. Surprise inspections of the factories in India found that 4/5 of them were cheating and concealing practices that could be dangerous.

So what did the FDA learn from this? It decided to warn Indian factories about all inspections. That was under Obama, who didn't generally appoint the sort of agency director who would crusade against the power of business.

US deportation thug department

mardi 4 juin 2019 à 02:00

The US deportation thug department has a scheme to deputize local thugs in sanctuary cities, to give them an excuse to disregard the city's policy of refusing to hold immigrants for the deportation thugs.

Maybe sanctuary cities can protect themselves by making it a firing offense to accept such deputization.

Face recognition

mardi 4 juin 2019 à 02:00

Using face recognition to identify airline passengers is dangerous in various ways. Regulations about how long to store the photos address only part of the problem — and I suspect they will have loopholes to allow some agency to keep any or every photo for as long as it wishes just by saying there was some nonspecific reason.