Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Urgent: Help wild animals cross the roads

mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:02

US citizens: call on your state governor to help wild animals cross the roads.

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Urgent: ban bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides

mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:02

US citizens: call on Biden to ban the worst uses of bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides.

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If you have disabled the page's JavaScript, you may get a blank response after signing. That does not mean anything is wrong; your signature has probably been sent in properly. The blank screen has text that is rendered invisible by CSS; if your browser gives you a way to disable the CSS in the page (as Icecat does), that should make the text appear.

The White House comments lines are +1-202-456-1111 and (TTY/TDD) +1-202-456-6213.

If you phone, please spread the word!

Seabed mining as debatable

mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:02

*Future of deep-sea mining hangs in balance as opposition grows.*

Civil war in Sudan

mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:02

*Sudan on brink of all-out civil war, UN chief warns.*

I don't post much about Sudan because I don't know what to say except "How sad." I don't have any insight into the fighting, and I have no ideas to suggest. Neither does anyone else, so I can't comment on proposed resolutions or actions.

Violent split, Manipur, India

mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 15:02

The small Indian state of Manipur has split between its two ethnic groups, which have withdrawn into separate fortified territories.

The Indian government with its strong religious bias is not very well suited to doing anything to resolve this problem — if anyone has a way to do so.