Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Toronto terrorist

lundi 7 mai 2018 à 02:00

The man who killed 10 people in Toronto by driving into them was a misogynist terrorist.

I sympathize with people who describe themselves as involuntarily celibate, since I remember what that despair feels like. But they took a wrong turn when they started hating women for not being attracted to them.

No one has an obligation to feel love or attraction for someone else. People cannot decide whether to feel those feelings -- it's not under conscious control. To reproach someone for not desiring you is as futile, as foolish, and as unjust, as to reproach water for being wet.

The one useful response to being generally rejected is to learn more social skills and broaden your interests. It would give you a better chance of finding a lover. By contrast, playing nonfree video games is a dead end -- and it attacks your freedom, too.

Nuclear North Korea

lundi 7 mai 2018 à 02:00

South Korea says North Korea wants total denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and is not attaching unacceptable preconditions.

If this is true -- and I don't think it is likely to be false -- we could see rapid progress towards peace and perhaps nuclear disarmament in Korea as well.

Forensic science

lundi 7 mai 2018 à 02:00

Forensic Science Is Nowhere Near as Robust And Reliable as Many People Think. Even fairly reliable techniques, such as checking people's hands for gunpowder residues, can be mistaken.

Iceland: hunting endangered whales

lundi 7 mai 2018 à 02:00

Iceland is going to hunt endangered whales again.

Syria: Arab military to replace US troops

lundi 7 mai 2018 à 02:00

Reportedly the bully, encouraged by Bolton, is in discussions about an Arab military force funded by Salafi Arabia to replace US troops in Syria.

Such an Arab force is likely to treat the Kurds as enemies, and Islamists as friends.