Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Urgent: Investigate Clarence Thomas's unethical behavior

samedi 9 avril 2022 à 12:50

US citizens: call on Congress to investigate Clarence Thomas's unethical behavior.

Urgent: Windfall tax on fossil fuels

samedi 9 avril 2022 à 12:50

US citizens: call on Congress to adopt a windfall tax on fossil fuels.

I sent the following personalized message, advocating improvements in the bill that the campaign supports. You can send your own version of it, if you wish to. We should have a windfall profits tax on fossil fuels, but the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax bill does too little and does it the wrong way. * It should cover all fossil fuel sales for which prices fluctuate, not exempting smaller companies. * It should capture more than just half of their windfall. * Does taxing companies that sell wholesale capture all of the windfall that actual users pay? I don't know, but I suspect not. * The funds collected should not be aimed particularly at drivers, because that is equivalent to subsidizing fossil fuels -- exactly the wrong thing to do when we need reduce the amount which is used. Instead, we should give those funds to all poor Americans, those that use fossil fuels and those that don't. That way, we will enable them all to cope with the high prices, and we will preserve the incentive for them to use less fuel if they can. As your constituent, I urge you to sponsor a better bill.

Urgent: Remind Democratic party that primaries are good

samedi 9 avril 2022 à 12:50

US citizens: remind the Democratic Party that primaries are good.

Urgent: Eliminate preventive antibiotics use in animals

samedi 9 avril 2022 à 12:50

US citizens: call for eliminating preventive use of antibiotics in animals.

Urgent: Ban Congress members trading military contractor stocks

samedi 9 avril 2022 à 12:50

US citizens: call for banning members of Congress from trading military contractor stocks now.

I'd rather ban them from trading any stocks but this would be a start.