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Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 15:16

Kylie-Anne Kelly can’t remember the exact moment she became her boyfriend’s one and only, his what would I do without you, but she does remember neglecting her own needs to the point of hospitalization.


After three years together, when exhaustion and anxiety landed her in the hospital and her boyfriend claimed he was “too busy” to visit, they broke up.

Activists Are Paying Bail for Incarcerated Black Mothers | Bitch Media

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 14:40

Black mamas are sitting in prison awaiting trial for being too free. For bringing Black children into a world that fears and punishes them. For writing bad checks to feed their kids. For defending themselves in a world that assaults them daily. For protecting their family members. For crimes they haven’t even been tried for—with bails set too high for their families to pay—forced to wait while the court system pressures them to take guilty pleas for crimes they didn’t commit so they can go home on probation.

What time is it? It’s time to get them out.

La socialisation comme théorie du genre incomplète : une critique du matérialisme réductif – Trans Grrrrls

vendredi 10 mai 2019 à 13:13

Le féminisme libéral a échoué à décrire suffisamment l’interaction entre le Genre et le genre. Beaucoup de commentateurs trans-libéraux supposent simplement que le genre est inné et anhistorique, une position que nous, en temps que féministes matérialistes et radicales, ne pouvons accepter, étant donné qu’elle implique que, d’une manière ou autre, l’ordre genré existant est lui aussi inné, anhistorique, et inévitable. Il faut que notre réponse à la question «Qu’est-ce-que ça veut dire d’être une femme» soit plus nuancée que «une femme est une personne qui se ressent femme, probablement à cause de sa physiologie/neurologie/ de son ADN féminine.»

Antisémitisme : Etienne Chouard s'embourbe sur Sud Radio - Par Emmanuelle Walter | Arrêt sur images

mercredi 8 mai 2019 à 05:25

Vous trouvez que la liberté de ne pas aimer une religion est très importante. Mais quand BHL me traite d’antisémite – même si j’étais antisémite, ce qui n’est évidemment pas le cas… "Même si j’étais antisémite, je devrais avoir le droit d’être antisémite. De la même manière que je devrais avoir le droit d’être islamophobe, ou christianophobe…


Et quand je disais la dernière fois, y a pas de haine des Juifs, j’exagère, pour forcer le trait, pour montrer ce que je veux dire, mais c’est vrai que c’est une maladresse. Ce que je veux dire c’est qu’il me semble que ce n’est pas un phénomène général. Il y a sûrement des pointes de haine par endroit (...) mais"" c’est polysémique ce mot-là.

Quelle ordure ce type.

Crépuscule ou l'erreur de la confusion. À propos de l'idole Branco - - ~ sweet ~

mardi 7 mai 2019 à 21:42

Merde, vous avez le droit de ne pas aimer Etienne Chouard, de critiquer ses idées ou ses chaussettes,je m'en fous. Mais justifiez-vous un minimum non ?

Tiens, ça dure une minute:

Où l'on apprend que dans la résistance il y avait des communistes et des maurrassiens. Et que d'ailleurs DeGaulle était maurrassien. Ce qui sont des thèses soutenues par… l'Action Française, une organisation… d'extrême droite.

Ça te va comme justification bonhomme ?

Crépuscule ou l'erreur de la confusion. À propos de l'idole Branco -

mardi 7 mai 2019 à 18:31

Dans un monde virtuellement renversé, Branco est un moment du faux. Parce que les idées qu’il exprime ont le vent en poupe (Michéa, Lancelin ou Chouard, pour ne citer qu’eux, en véhiculent de similaires), il est plus que nécessaire d’œuvrer à les combattre, au sein de notre famille politique comme en dehors.

Female runners with high testosterone must take hormone suppressants to compete, sports court rules – VICE News

jeudi 2 mai 2019 à 11:54

In 2018, the IAAF announced a new rule concerning female athletes with a condition called hyperandrogenism, which results in increased testosterone production. The IAAF decided that elevated testosterone levels give them an unfair advantage in races ranging from 400 meters to one mile and instituted a new policy that mandated that female athletes with the condition take medication, such as contraceptives, to reduce their testosterone levels.

Contrôle du corps des femmes. Partout. Tout le temps.

Potential Trend Alert: Anne Lister Collected Her Ex-Lovers' Pubic Hair, Kept Them In Lockets | Autostraddle

mercredi 1 mai 2019 à 11:47

Anne Lister considered herself to be married twice in her life, once to her beloved Mariana, who broke her heart. Anne’s other marriage was to Ann Walker, her main love interest on the HBO series. Their marriage is now considered to be the first gay marriage in the United Kingdom. Both of Anne Lister’s marriages were sealed with communion at the Holy Trinity church in Goodramgate, York. Both engagements were also sealed with the exchange of rings — and Anne Lister’s favorite type of jewelry: a locket with a tuft of her beloved’s pubic hair inside. In fact, she had an ENTIRE COLLECTION of pubic hair lockets.

Lesbians FTW 😈

Pop Culture Treats Male Rape like a Joke | Bitch Media

mercredi 1 mai 2019 à 11:34

[CW: graphic descriptions of sexual assaults seen in TV and films]

Toxic masculinity would have us believe that the idea of a male rape victim is absurd. Rare, even. Men are supposed to be hungry for sex always—so they can’t be raped. Men should be strong enough to fight off attackers—so they can’t be raped. Both of those myths, rooted in traditional concepts of masculinity, contribute to a culture in which male rape is dismissed, ignored, and woefully underreported. The tragic and dangerous idea that male rape is a joke comes through loud and clear in our pop culture. When men are sexually assaulted in TV and films, the assaults are often not named for what they are, and the characters are portrayed quickly picking up and moving on. They are stoic dudes who exact swift, violent revenge and then have no lasting trauma.

Instagram will demote “inappropriate content"—and self-expression along the way — Quartz

lundi 22 avril 2019 à 17:17

Instagram and its parent company Facebook are constantly waging a complex battle with bad content on their platforms. But the latest chapter of that fight involves them stepping onto the slippery slope to censorship, worrying artists, people with disabilities, consensual sex workers, and those who are in various ways body- and sex-positive.

Trouble 18: ACAB – sub.Media

dimanche 21 avril 2019 à 14:00

Cops are the front-line of the state, tasked with defending and reinforcing all illegitimate hierarchies of power. They are the armed enforcers of white supremacy who catch paid vacations for murdering Black children in the streets. They are the knock on the door to evict you from your home. They are the no-knock SWAT Team raid that shoots your dog. They are the corrupt overseers of the ghetto, the barrio, the favela. They are the unmarked cruiser that slows down to harass a sex worker. They are the vicious interrogators of rape survivors. They are the protectors of bulldozers and pipelines. They are the batons, flash bangs and rubber bullets used to break up our demonstrations, and put down our riots. They are the guardians of capital. They are the oppressor. And without exception… they’re all bastards.

Police : tu l’aimes ou tu la quittes

vendredi 19 avril 2019 à 12:46

Il est intéressant le dernier « Les Pieds Sur Terre » sur la police. (La 1ère partie en tout cas)

Je n’ai jamais vu un collègue heureux dans sa vie de flic. Dès que vous commencez à réfléchir, c’est le début de la fin. Vous êtes un fonctionnaire, vous êtes là pour fonctionner. Si vous réfléchissez, soit vous quittez la police, soit vous finissez par mâcher le canon d’une arme, contre vous ou contre les autres.

Evangelical Christian Campuses Are Kissing Consent Goodbye | Bitch Media

jeudi 18 avril 2019 à 21:56

The purity movement isn’t all witty underpants and daughters dancing on their fathers’ shoes. The same tenets that underpin purity culture—namely, rigid beliefs about gender and sexuality—are also the features that sustain rape culture. And the negative outcomes are as multifaceted as my purity ring: sexual shame, self-loathing, fear-based morality, and marked ignorance about sexual concepts.

Amber Heard Levels New Abuse Allegations Against Johnny Depp

jeudi 18 avril 2019 à 21:45

"Since their divorce, Mr. Depp has continued to publicly harass Ms. Heard, and attempted to gaslight the world by denying his abuse," Eric George, Heard's lawyer, said in a statement. "It is long past time for Mr. Depp’s despicable conduct to end. Today, we presented to the court irrefutable evidence of Mr. Depp’s abuse. It is regrettable that it will take a judge to finally end the persistent harassment of Ms. Heard by Mr. Depp, but Ms. Heard will take whatever action is necessary to vindicate the truth."

CW: graphic photographs, menacing texts, mention and description of abuse

What to Do About Every Gay Crush You’ve Ever Had, Have Now, and Will Have in the Future

jeudi 18 avril 2019 à 19:11

In my opinion, the general grouping of crushes can be labeled as such: IRL crush, not-famous internet crush, quasi-instagram-famous internet crush, celeb crush.

Could Ketamine Be Used to Vaccinate for Depression or PTSD?

jeudi 18 avril 2019 à 17:18

Doctors, patients, and the government agencies that fund research are often suspicious of a drug known to cause hallucinations, as they have been of psychedelics like psilocybin and ecstasy, despite their potential for treating depression or anxiety. Each tends to show fast results after a single dose, like ketamine.

Hope, Cynicism, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves – Brain Pickings

jeudi 18 avril 2019 à 16:56

Finding fault and feeling hopeless about improving the situation produces resignation — cynicism is both resignation’s symptom and a futile self-protection mechanism against it. Blindly believing that everything will work out just fine also produces resignation, for we have no motive to apply ourselves toward making things better. But in order to survive — both as individuals and as a civilization — and especially in order to thrive, we need the right balance of critical thinking and hope.

A plant needs water in order to survive, and needs the right amount of water in order to thrive. Overwater it and it rots with excess. Underwater it and it dries up inside.

Sauvons la cathédrale du cœur - Pour un autre usage de Notre-Dame-de-Paris

mercredi 17 avril 2019 à 22:14

En son temps, le Christ nous a donné l’exemple en chassant les marchands du temple. Tous les vrais chrétiens doivent, aujourd’hui, chasser les marchands de temples du temple de leur cœur. Sans quoi ils succomberont aux manoeuvres obscènes des spéculateurs en tout genre, politiciens, fraudeurs du fisc, grenouilles de bénitier, incultes en quête de racines, ou groupes pollueurs, hâtifs de tirer la couverture à eux. Qu’on rappelle aux mains qui ne deviennent généreuses qu’à la mesure de la gloire qu’elles en tirent, ces mots de vérité : "Vous ne pouvez pas servir Dieu et l’argent" (Mt 6:24).

Ça fait quand même du bien de voir que certains curés ont vraiment lu la Bible et n'en ont pas retenu que l'ancien testament.

Holden Matthews: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

mardi 16 avril 2019 à 14:54

The three fires were set at black churches at the end of March and early April. No one was injured during the fires. Police said they were aware of the history of hate crimes against black churches, including a series of fires set in the 1990s.

DYKES: Our Sexuality Pushes Beyond the Limits of Cisheteronormativity

dimanche 14 avril 2019 à 16:03

Here’s the thing: lesbian sex can, and frequently does, involve cocks. (The TERFs are quaking in their boots right now.) Whether that means a strap-on, a penis, a tongue, a fist, a clit, or whatever else is totally up to the individual dyke. One’s cock, or lack thereof, doesn’t have to be concerned with gender, or it can have everything to do with gender. Butch, femme, andro, boi–anyone and everyone of any gender expression can have a cock.