Shaarli - Les petits liens d'Alda

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Pop Culture is Challenging the Idea that Black Women Don’t Get Blue

jeudi 13 juin 2019 à 19:51

Increasingly, we’re seeing more women onscreen dealing with mental illness, often in ways that treat their disorder as just one element in a fully human, complex character. But all of these women are white. Women of color—specifically African American women—are not afforded the same type of humanity onscreen, if they’re even represented at all.

Rethinking LGBTQ+ Visibility

jeudi 13 juin 2019 à 19:26

Calls for visibility almost always occur in conjunction with appeals to normalcy. The argument goes something like this: “It’s okay that we are everywhere, because we are just like you, except for our sexual orientation (or some other difference).” The problem is, this strategy only works for LGBTQ+ people who come across as “normal” in most other respects. It most benefits individuals who are white, middle-class, able-bodied, and relatively conventional in their lifestyle and politics.

What’s My Complicity? Talking White Fragility With Robin DiAngelo

mercredi 5 juin 2019 à 17:14

For a lot of white people, the mere suggestion that being white has meaning will cause great umbrage. Certainly generalizing about white people will. Right now, me saying “white people,” as if our race had meaning, and as if I could know anything about somebody just because they’re white, will cause a lot of white people to erupt in defensiveness.

How To Have A Summer Fling With Dating Anxiety

mardi 4 juin 2019 à 08:19

The first steps to any summer fling are to have fun and be yourself. But if your "self" is a person who's anxious about talking to people or afraid of rejection, throwing caution to the wind for an attractive stranger can be daunting, to say the least — especially if you're the one putting yourself out there or initiating the hookup.

Women Are Happier Without Marriage, Children

lundi 3 juin 2019 à 18:54

While the studies presumably apply to both men and women, Dolan said the negative effects of marriage are compounded for women. For men, marriage often leads to taking fewer risks, making more money at work, and living longer. But women, especially middle-aged married women, are at a higher risk of developing physical conditions and mental illnesses than their single counterparts. They also tend to die sooner.

Masturbation & Anxiety: How To Stress Less

lundi 3 juin 2019 à 18:51

Masturbation allows me to completely empty my mind. I focus purely on the pleasure and sensation of what I’m doing. For a few minutes, there’s nothing else that requires my attention: no bills to pay, no deadlines to meet, no worries about the future.

Un Lapin pour Lou

lundi 3 juin 2019 à 13:55

Comme c'est mon anniversaire bientôt j'ai fait une cagnotte PayPal pour avoir de quoi m'offrir une carte TagTagTag pour ressusciter mon Nabaztag.

Donc ce serait un super cadeau si vous y participiez ♥️

Pour savoir à quoi ça va me servir, faut lire le projet Ulule

Merci merci 💞

YouTube Is (Still) Silencing LGBTQ Sex Ed

mercredi 29 mai 2019 à 15:14

YouTube’s filters haven’t improved and LGBTQ sex ed content is still being censored. In fact, for some creators like himself, the problem has only gotten worse. “The rate of restriction and demonetization is happening faster and faster nowadays with the way they’ve ‘improved’ their computer learning,” he says. “A few years ago, we’d get dinged every so often, but now, our videos won’t even be finished uploading before they get a little yellow check mark on them indicating they’ll be censored and not properly monetized.”

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold Weren’t Lone Wolves

mardi 28 mai 2019 à 14:41

Over the past 20 years, the mainstream media has failed to properly contextualize the Columbine shooting as part of a cultural narrative of exceptionalism that protects would-be killers and abusers. The misleading portrait of “outcast” white boys, which is still applied to shooters like Dylann Roof, positions these dominators as far outside the norm, maintains an illusion of white innocence, and argues for the legitimacy of patriarchal power.

Queering Psychedelics conference aims to expand definitions, minds | 48 hills

lundi 27 mai 2019 à 23:26

Psychedelic experience in the modern era has always been queer—not just in the sense of being enchanted, wayward, and weird, but in the more concrete sense that queerfolk have fundamentally shaped the substance, style, and spirituality of the psychedelic underground.

How Small Talk With Almost-Strangers Profoundly Affects Your Happiness - VICE

lundi 27 mai 2019 à 20:00

“How I distinguish a weak tie from a stranger is that there’s mutual recognition,” says Gillian Sandstrom, a senior lecturer at the University of Essex who has studied the effects of weak ties. “You don’t have to know the other person’s name, but you have to have seen them and know who they are.”

Sandstrom co-authored a 2014 study titled, “Social Interactions and Well-Being: The Surprising Power of Weak Ties,” which emphasized the significance of these underrated connections. “These kinds of minimal interactions with people make us feel good—like we’re connected to people,” she says. “It makes us feel more trust in the world and more of a sense of community. I think that’s something humans really need. We need to feel like we’re part of something—that we belong. And we suffer all sorts of negative consequences when we don’t feel that.”

Nannies Rewrote the Rules on TV Parenting | Bitch Media

lundi 27 mai 2019 à 18:55

And though the new breed of nannies is in some ways more varied than its predecessors (we now have male nannies, non-nannies who are more buddy than boss, and power nannies who take their cues from management consultants), these characters bear little resemblance to real-life nannies, who are most likely to be women of color and/or immigrants, whose work is often underpaid and/or undocumented.

My Cousin Was My Hero. Until the Day He Tried to Kill Me. - The New York Times

samedi 25 mai 2019 à 14:20

The virtue of strength invites abuse. Adamance enables intransigence. Restraint devolves to disengagement, and fraternity yields exclusion. The veneration of those traits is poison to young men. It offers an easy escape from the necessary struggle of self-reflection and replaces the work of interior discovery with a menu of prefabricated identities.

Le patriarcat chez nos ancêtres est une invention sexiste d’archéologues hommes - VICE

lundi 20 mai 2019 à 22:51

En réalité, les sociétés de l’âge du fer composaient avec des femmes d’âge mûr, d’autres qui ne correspondaient pas aux canons de féminité actuel. Surtout, absolument rien ne permet d’affirmer que les femmes ne remplissaient pas les mêmes rôles que les hommes, y compris militaires ou politiques.

SCENE xxxxxxx DEATH / GOT SEASON 8 ÉPISODE 6 - YouTube - Liens de Dixie le Trait-plat - 2038 - Links

lundi 20 mai 2019 à 22:47


Le gars ça fait trois ans qu'ils me gerbe dessus non stop (et sur llm aussi) mais faut qu'il balance un spoil got pour que quelqu'un l'engueule.

Changez rien 👍

Réflexion du jour - Liens en vrac de sebsauvage

lundi 13 mai 2019 à 12:44

Je comprend pas tout ces magasins qui osent vendre des ordinateurs avec 4 Go de RAM et Windows pré-installé. C'est vraiment très méchant de se foutre à ce point de la gueule des clients.

Tu veux vraiment rigoler ? Les ordis sous windows 10 qui ont 32Go d'espace total ne peuvent pas se mettre à jour par manque d'espace libre.

What Will It Take to Destigmatize Teen Motherhood?

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 16:25

Stigma blocked my ability to feel valued as a real person in our society; I felt that people saw me as trashy and my body as damaged goods. Feelings like that are reinforced when society judges teen moms for not marrying or staying with their partners. And too many of us are conditioned to accept a predestined fate of poverty and failure. These are the ways in which stigma creeps into our lives and rarely leaves us. The pervasive messages about how harmful teen pregnancy is and how promiscuous and irresponsible teen moms are, a characterization rarely used to describe teen fathers, promote discrimination in the very places teen parents should feel safe, like our doctors’ offices and our schools.

How Lesbian Potlucks Nourished the LGBTQ Movement - Gastro Obscura

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 16:22

Women came together over coffee and cake, sharing what they could. These meetings, while less overtly political than later lesbian activism, did something amazing: In an era where being out could lead to serious legal and social consequences, they helped American lesbians realize their collective strength.

I Am Tired of Overcoming Trauma: Does Healing Exist For Queer People of Color?

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 16:13

[CW mention of abuse and rape]

“Why are you depressed?” my mother asked me when I responded truthfully instead of lying with a simple, “I’m doing fine.” […] And then more men used my body like a glove and they used my kindness as a balm for their own wounds, and they used the home I made for myself to shelter their needs, and then I kept trying and it got harder.

Loneliness is killing millions of American men. Here’s why.

dimanche 12 mai 2019 à 16:09

"Boys know by late adolescence that their close male friendships, and even their emotional acuity, put them at risk of being labeled girly, immature, or gay," Way writes. "Thus, rather than focusing on who they are, they become obsessed with who they are not — they are not girls, little boys nor, in the case of heterosexual boys, are they gay."