Shaarli - Les petits liens d'Alda

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La biologie et l’oppression des femmes

mardi 28 août 2018 à 15:20

Pour comprendre les problèmes de la conception féministe radicale de l’oppression des femelles, nous devons nous demander ce que ces féministes veulent dire quand elles parlent « d’être femelle » ou quand elles disent que « la féminité est basée sur la biologie ». Qu’est-ce que cela veut dire, être femelle ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques et les éléments qui font de quelqu’un·e une femelle ou un non-femelle ? Sur quelles parties de la biologie est supposément basée la féminité ? Quelles expériences biologiques partagent toutes les femmes ?

Appelle-moi par mon (autre) nom

dimanche 26 août 2018 à 11:06

La vérité du genre n’existe pas en dehors d’un ensemble de conventions sociales intersubjectives. Le genre n’est pas une propriété psychique ou physique du sujet ni une identité naturelle, c’est une relation de pouvoir soumise à un processus collectif constant d’assujettissement - en même temps de soutien et de contrôle, de subjectivation et de soumission.

Appelle-moi par mon (autre) nom

dimanche 26 août 2018 à 11:06

La vérité du genre n’existe pas en dehors d’un ensemble de conventions sociales intersubjectives. Le genre n’est pas une propriété psychique ou physique du sujet ni une identité naturelle, c’est une relation de pouvoir soumise à un processus collectif constant d’assujettissement - en même temps de soutien et de contrôle, de subjectivation et de soumission.

I Didn't Know I Was Trans Until I Got Sober

samedi 25 août 2018 à 10:18

When I stopped drinking, I finally realized the deep sadness I'd been trying to drown with alcohol was really gender dysphoria.

I Didn't Know I Was Trans Until I Got Sober

samedi 25 août 2018 à 10:18

When I stopped drinking, I finally realized the deep sadness I'd been trying to drown with alcohol was really gender dysphoria.

The Woman-Identified Woman

samedi 25 août 2018 à 10:01

Pour une femme dans cette société sexiste, être indépendante signifie qu’on ne peut être une femme – on est une gouine. Ceci devrait en soi nous éclairer sur la situation des femmes. Ce que cela dit, aussi clairement que possible, c’est que les mots femme et personne sont contradictoires. Car une lesbienne n’est pas considérée comme une vraie femme. Et pourtant, dans l’imaginaire collectif, la seule différence essentielle entre une lesbienne et les autres femmes, c’est celle de l’orientation sexuelle. Ce qui revient à dire, au fond, que l’essence de la condition de femme est d’être baisée par les hommes.

The Woman-Identified Woman

samedi 25 août 2018 à 10:01

Pour une femme dans cette société sexiste, être indépendante signifie qu’on ne peut être une femme – on est une gouine. Ceci devrait en soi nous éclairer sur la situation des femmes. Ce que cela dit, aussi clairement que possible, c’est que les mots femme et personne sont contradictoires. Car une lesbienne n’est pas considérée comme une vraie femme. Et pourtant, dans l’imaginaire collectif, la seule différence essentielle entre une lesbienne et les autres femmes, c’est celle de l’orientation sexuelle. Ce qui revient à dire, au fond, que l’essence de la condition de femme est d’être baisée par les hommes.

It's Not Britney, Bitch.

samedi 25 août 2018 à 08:06

She’s not allowed to quit or even change her style because Dad’s in charge and Britney’s not legally allowed to make those decisions on her own anymore.

It's Not Britney, Bitch.

samedi 25 août 2018 à 08:06

She’s not allowed to quit or even change her style because Dad’s in charge and Britney’s not legally allowed to make those decisions on her own anymore.

Alewives: The Women Who Crafted Beer and Split Hell Wide Open

dimanche 19 août 2018 à 10:48

In every ancient society where beer existed, the craft was created and carried out by women. Often, they even received their instruction from goddesses they conjugated with for life. There’s no mythology in which a male god gifts brewing instructions to humanity, and no mythology in which a man receives brewing instructions from a deity. It’s always goddesses and it’s always women brewers.

Alewives: The Women Who Crafted Beer and Split Hell Wide Open

dimanche 19 août 2018 à 10:48

In every ancient society where beer existed, the craft was created and carried out by women. Often, they even received their instruction from goddesses they conjugated with for life. There’s no mythology in which a male god gifts brewing instructions to humanity, and no mythology in which a man receives brewing instructions from a deity. It’s always goddesses and it’s always women brewers.

What a Time to Fail!

mardi 14 août 2018 à 11:20

Last year I quit my well-paying city job to go back to school and work in retail and my mother still hasn’t gotten over it. To her my decisions seem like symptoms of mental illness that plagued my grandmother and great grandmother. It’s hard to explain why I needed to leave the world of business casual clothing and passive aggressive emails to feel sane again.

What a Time to Fail!

mardi 14 août 2018 à 11:20

Last year I quit my well-paying city job to go back to school and work in retail and my mother still hasn’t gotten over it. To her my decisions seem like symptoms of mental illness that plagued my grandmother and great grandmother. It’s hard to explain why I needed to leave the world of business casual clothing and passive aggressive emails to feel sane again.

How Our Cultural Obsession With Platonic 'Girlfriends' Sidelines Queer Women

vendredi 10 août 2018 à 10:23

We’ve heard a lot about what it is to be a woman who is unsatisfied in herself and her relationships and turns to another woman for those needs; we haven’t heard the stories of the Other Women. Those stories might reframe these affairs away from the question of loneliness, unhappiness, malaise, and need, and towards a question of labor, consumption, and use. It might help us recognize how when straightness is the assumed default, gestures of queer intimacy get muddled, blurred, and erased amidst all that platonic friendships have been stretched to encompass.

How Our Cultural Obsession With Platonic 'Girlfriends' Sidelines Queer Women

vendredi 10 août 2018 à 10:23

We’ve heard a lot about what it is to be a woman who is unsatisfied in herself and her relationships and turns to another woman for those needs; we haven’t heard the stories of the Other Women. Those stories might reframe these affairs away from the question of loneliness, unhappiness, malaise, and need, and towards a question of labor, consumption, and use. It might help us recognize how when straightness is the assumed default, gestures of queer intimacy get muddled, blurred, and erased amidst all that platonic friendships have been stretched to encompass.

Marxism and Trans Liberation

lundi 6 août 2018 à 17:49

Since having a reserve army of labor is necessary, capitalism requires a set of criteria for who will be granted status as a laborer and proletariat and who will be relegated to unemployment. Social marginalization on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, and gender identity all serve a crucial role within capitalism to ensure that some people are forced into the reserve army of labor. Social marginalization is actually a fundamental structuring principle of capitalist economics.

Marxism and Trans Liberation

lundi 6 août 2018 à 17:49

Since having a reserve army of labor is necessary, capitalism requires a set of criteria for who will be granted status as a laborer and proletariat and who will be relegated to unemployment. Social marginalization on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, and gender identity all serve a crucial role within capitalism to ensure that some people are forced into the reserve army of labor. Social marginalization is actually a fundamental structuring principle of capitalist economics.

Rethinking Lesbian Feminism – Alyson Escalante – Medium

lundi 6 août 2018 à 16:30

I use Lesbian Feminist as a term to refer to a broad and not entirely internally consistent group of theorists and theories which are interested in theorizing from the perspective and experience of lesbianism, understand lesbianism as a form of resistance towards heteropatriarchy, and understand heterosexuality as a cornerstone of patriarchal domination.

Rethinking Lesbian Feminism – Alyson Escalante – Medium

lundi 6 août 2018 à 16:30

I use Lesbian Feminist as a term to refer to a broad and not entirely internally consistent group of theorists and theories which are interested in theorizing from the perspective and experience of lesbianism, understand lesbianism as a form of resistance towards heteropatriarchy, and understand heterosexuality as a cornerstone of patriarchal domination.

A Pre-Op Trans Woman's Guide to Sex

lundi 6 août 2018 à 15:12

There’s little conversation about the bodies of trans women who have not undergone gender confirmation surgery—online, in media, anywhere, really. Where are all the sex guides for trans women who don’t want to have surgery, who aren’t ready, or who haven’t yet had the opportunity?

To create my own, I decided to chronicle my own process, and reach out to trans women friends to ask what’s helped them most. Here's what I learned.