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Étranger.ère à soi

mercredi 28 août 2019 à 09:37

Dans les années 1980, alors qu’elle luttait contre le cancer, Audre Lorde a affirmé que de prendre soin d’elle-même était « un acte de guerre politique ». Depuis, le self-care est devenu un mot à la mode dans les milieux activistes. La rhétorique du self-care est passée de spécifique à universelle, de provocative à obligatoire. Lorsqu’on parle de self-care aujourd’hui, parle-t-on de la même chose que Lorde ?

Why are queer people so mean to each other? | Xtra

mardi 27 août 2019 à 08:36

The community that I have spent my entire adult life working and living in sometimes feels even more dangerous and volatile than the mainstream, cis and heteronormative world that I spent my teen years trying to escape. After all, I can at least blame the cruelty of straight, cis society on homophobia and transphobia. But why are queers so mean to queers?

The TSA's Technology Is Discriminating Against Trans People - Pacific Standard

dimanche 25 août 2019 à 09:11

A TSA agent may press the button that corresponds to the sex a passenger was assigned at birth, but the passenger's gender presentation may mean using a chest binder, packer, or breast shaper, which the machine then marks as inconsistent with the expected algorithm for the passenger's sex, thus triggering an "alarm." Alternatively, the agent may press the button corresponding to the passenger's presenting gender rather than the sex they were assigned at birth, which poses its own problems: A "passing" trans woman's penis, for example, will register to the machine as suspicious.

Idée : remplacer le format de stockage des mails "mbox" par une base de données SQLite ? - Liens en bazar

samedi 24 août 2019 à 20:07

Il faut savoir que le format mbox est purement textuel : un gros fichier texte dont les différents messages sont séparés par une ligne contenant "From". Il faut donc tout parser rien que pour avoir la liste des mails et leur date, sujet, taille, etc.

Et je ne parle même pas de l'indexation...

Ce qui serait génial, c'est que cet hypothétique format de stockage SQLite soit normalisé (tables, requêtes...), ainsi on pourrait transférer ses mails d'un client à un autre (et même d'une plateforme à l'autre) simplement en copiant le ou les fichiers de la base de données 🤩

Je pose ça là : Maildir - Wikipedia

L’histoire d’Assange comme miroir de l’Internet fasciste - Lignes de crêtes

mardi 20 août 2019 à 19:05

Julian Assange par exemple n’est pas un « lanceur d’alerte ». Snowden est un lanceur d’alerte. Snowden travaillait à la NSA, a volé des documents à son employeur et les a transmis à un journaliste qui les a publié. Julian Assange est un informaticien qui a fondé un site qui devait garantir l’anonymat et la sécurité aux lanceurs d’alertes. On reste songeur devant les années de prison qu’a dû effectuer Chelsea Manning, la lanceuse d’alerte qui avait fait confiance à Wikileaks pour envoyer ses documents. Encore plus songeur à se dire que Manning a été mis en contact avec le type qui allait le dénoncer grâce à une erreur d’Assange qui a envoyé un mail en copie au lieu de copie cachée…

True Self-Care Is Not About You - VICE

lundi 19 août 2019 à 19:22

Modern definitions of self-care are designed to serve those who understand the self and mental well-being as individual. Because of that, it particularly fails people with community-centered notions of personhood; people who, not incidentally, are marginalized, and as a result at greater risk.

Video games don’t cause mass shootings. But gamer culture encourages hate.

lundi 19 août 2019 à 19:18

A 2015 meta-analysis of 170 separate studies, conducted by the American Psychological Association, found no statistically significant relationship between these games and criminal violence or delinquency.

But deeper in the report, another finding points to a real and urgent problem: toxic gaming culture. The APA noted that research showed a connection between violent video games and increased aggression, as well as “decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression.” Anyone who has spent any time playing online shooters, only to be bombarded by venomous taunts over voice chat , knows this to be true. The issue isn’t that games themselves induce violence — we know they don’t — but that the gamer community has provided a gathering place for some furious, hateful individuals and encouraged their worst tendencies.

LGBTQ+ Creators Sue YouTube, Allege Discrimination

lundi 19 août 2019 à 18:38

“Defendants’ control and regulation of speech on YouTube has resulted in a chaotic cesspool where popular, compliant, top quality, and protected LGBTQ+ content is restricted, stigmatized, and demonetized as “shocking,” “inappropriate,” “offensive,” and “sexually explicit,” while homophobic and racist hatemongers run wild and are free to post vile and obscene content on the pages and channels of the LGBTQ+ Plaintiffs and other LGBTQ+ content creators.”

Rejoice: a chlamydia vaccine could soon be on the way

lundi 19 août 2019 à 17:58

At the moment, chlamydia is treated with antibiotics once sufferers have been diagnosed. However given the infection typically shows no symptoms, the current treatment doesn’t necessarily offer protection from side effects if someone has had the STI for a long time, including infertility and an increased risk of HIV.

For vagina-having people only apparently

Pornhub Is Still Working With Company Sued for Manipulating Women Into Porn - VICE

lundi 19 août 2019 à 17:54

It's clear that Pornhub knows it's partnered with a company that's accused of abuse by many women, and who claim that the Pornhub helped spread videos that ruined their lives. What isn't clear is why Pornhub continues to keep Girls Do Porn on its website, and profit from it.

Well you said it : « profit »

Why It's So Hard for Queer Women and Nonbinary People to Find Casual Sex | Allure

lundi 19 août 2019 à 17:38

“I live in a small city,” she says. “Big enough to always be meeting new people, but small enough to see at least three people you know on an outing. I think where I live all the lesbians know each other, all the gays know each other, and so forth. I think it can become a bit of a cesspool where dating is concerned. Everyone you know has dated everyone you know.”

How Social Media Shapes Our Identity | The New Yorker

lundi 19 août 2019 à 14:30

On the other hand, Eichhorn writes, such media can prevent those who wish to break with their past from doing so cleanly. We’re not the only ones posting; our friends and family chronicle our lives, usually without our consent. Growing up online, Eichhorn worries, might impede our ability to edit memories, cull what needs to be culled, and move on. “The potential danger is no longer childhood’s disappearance, but rather the possibility of a perpetual childhood,” she writes. We may, in short, have traded “screen memories for screens.”

I Love Euphoria. I Hate Euphoria.

mardi 6 août 2019 à 08:39

I can only review Euphoria as a gay trans woman who desperately wants to see herself on screen, who desperately wants to see her past, her present, and her potential futures. I can only review Euphoria as a gay trans woman who for the first time on television got to watch a cis girl fall in love with a trans girl. I can only review Euphoria as a gay trans woman who for the first time on television got to watch any girl fall in love with a trans girl.

Why unmoderated online forums always degenerate into fascism |

mardi 6 août 2019 à 07:43

The creators of these kinds of sites often fancy themselves free speech activists, as though being against moderation and in favor of free speech were the same thing (they're not). If these forums are marketplaces of ideas, it is curious that they have become dens of far-right hate — fringe political positions, and not at all representative of how most online denizens think and feel.

Genital Herpes: the Stigma and Common Misdiagnoses

dimanche 4 août 2019 à 20:11

Genital herpes isn’t uncommon; the Centers for Disease Control estimates that about one in six people between the ages 14 to 49 have genital herpes. It is perfectly normal to feel upset and scared on first hearing a diagnosis of herpes but those feelings will subside over time, gradually getting better. People who are living with herpes have long, healthy lives, with very few consequences.

How Instagram Is Failing Queer Sex Workers | Bitch Media

dimanche 4 août 2019 à 19:39

Ultimately, shadowbanning creates an environment where it’s nearly impossible to build community on these platforms, especially for LGBTQ people and sex workers (and especially for queer sex-working people).


samedi 3 août 2019 à 11:15

Si en Alsace, la manifestation du racisme est malheureusement devenue récurrente, c’est que partout, les politiques islamophobes et anti-réfugiés sont en train d’ouvrir la porte à l’extrême-droite et de la galvaniser. Quand à Strasbourg, les nazillons du Bastion social s’attaquent à un squat solidaire, ils le font alors que le 15 juillet, la police italienne a découvert un arsenal composé de dizaines de fusils d’assaut ainsi que d’un que d’un missile air-air chez un militant néo-nazi italien

Natalie Portman’s Step-by-Step Guide on How to Topple the Patriarchy – Variety

vendredi 2 août 2019 à 19:42

“Stop the rhetoric that a woman is crazy or difficult,” Portman advised, […] “If a man says a woman is crazy or difficult, ask him, ‘What bad thing did you do to her?’ That’s a code word. He is trying to discredit her reputation.”

J'aime Natalie Portman d'amour.

Un chauffeur de bus de la société Flixbus affichait-il ostensiblement un tatouage nazi ? - LCI

jeudi 1 août 2019 à 13:55

"FlixBus ne possède aucun bus et n'emploie aucun conducteur.

😂 Ce monde est fou.

J'écris ton nom, vasectomie (4/3) : Est-ce que c'est vraiment d'une vasectomie que je veux ? ·

mercredi 31 juillet 2019 à 15:46

C’est l’histoire d’une meuf de trente-deux ans qui a eu une vasectomie il y a un peu plus de quatre-vingt-seize heures et qui en peu plus de larver sur son canapé en attendant que ses poils repoussent alors elle décide de raconter comment ça lui est arrivé.

Partie 4 ! Sur 3 ! Oui !