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Same Phony Fear, Different Decade: On the Damaging Discourse Around Trans Rights | Literary Hub

dimanche 14 avril 2019 à 15:56

I did not, could not, transition on a whim; instead, I had to give up the home and family I knew because neither would accept me, and I hated that, still hate that, still cry over it. I had to be approved for hormone therapy first by a therapist, then an endocrinologist, all while being mis-gendered and mocked by hospital employees; I had to legally change my name, all while being mis-gendered and mocked, louder now, at the police station where I had to get fingerprinted, then at the court, where a clerk repeatedly and vociferously called me sir in front strangers; I had to humiliate myself countless times over the phone and in person when someone did not know what to do with my voice or appearance, including a police officer I feared would harm me when he saw the “M” on my ID before I got it changed. I had to fight the urge to kill myself, multiple times, from my despair at thinking I could never bear children and that no one could love a freakish body like my own, after hearing my own mother tell me this, after hearing men who had praised my beauty tell me how revolting I was upon learning I was trans.

A whim?

How to Stay Friends with Your Ex - Broadly

dimanche 14 avril 2019 à 15:14

For many people, when they breakup, that’s the definitive end—they want no further contact with their former partner. For plenty of others, though, a breakup is not an end so much as a change. The ex was an important person in their lives, and they’d like them to remain that way. But how?

Des "consignes discriminatoires" ont été données dans des commissariats parisiens, selon le Défenseur des droits

dimanche 14 avril 2019 à 14:59

"Des ordres et consignes discriminatoires enjoignant de procéder à des contrôles d'identité de 'bandes de Noirs et de Nord-Africains' et des 'évictions systématiques de SDF et de Roms' ont été diffusés", note le rapport.

Why Do We Use a Different Vocabulary at Work?

mercredi 3 avril 2019 à 10:55

Corporate culture asks that your personal goals and sense of purpose change when you pull into the office park, but most people just don’t feel that passionately about their jobs, being asked to fake it will eventually grow tiring for most. And in the internet age, our tolerance for the latest workplace slang is lower than ever.

What If You Can’t Afford “A Room of One’s Own”? - Electric Literature

mercredi 3 avril 2019 à 10:32

When I first read Virginia Woolf’s dictum that “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction,” I was homeless.

My Name Is Neo: Transgender Self-Discovery In THE MATRIX

mardi 2 avril 2019 à 21:22

Lana Wachowski came out as a transgender woman in 2010, and Lilly Wachowski came out in 2016. The Matrix, for all its talk of enforced reality and system-smashing anarchism, was likely never just about power fantasy and combating feelings of insignificance in the daily grind of corporate America. It is a film about transition into a truer, freer version of oneself in a world that resists you doing so, and it is informed by the Wachowski sisters’ experiences as closeted transgender women.

Instagram Is Full of Conspiracy Theories and Extremism

mardi 2 avril 2019 à 21:06

As other social networks wage a very public war against misinformation, it’s thriving on Instagram.

How Do I Know If I'm a Trans Woman? - them.

mardi 2 avril 2019 à 20:15

One thing I’ve learned about trans people is that almost all of us end up asking ourselves these questions, in one form or another. As easy as they are for me to answer now, though, these lines of questioning can make you feel hopeless and defeated if you’re trying to work through them on your own. There’s no way to sum up all transfeminine experiences, and everyone eventually has to find their own, unique answers, but if you're a person who was assigned male at birth and is struggling with questions like the ones I had, here are some answers that might help.

For many Native Americans, embracing LGBT members is a return to the past

mardi 2 avril 2019 à 17:46

When Europeans came to North America, they brought patriarchal societal traditions with them, Finley said. Wrapped up in those gender roles were Europeans’ understandings of land ownership and inheritance, ideas that were crucial to the process of seizing the continent from indigenous people.

Among the measures used to extinguish native customs in the United States was the state-sponsored Native American boarding school program, which forced generations of indigenous children to attend school away from their families to be educated in Christian, European traditions.

Broad City's Celebration of Romantic Friendship and Bisexual Culture Has Changed TV Forever | Autostraddle

dimanche 31 mars 2019 à 12:58

Television has never really excelled at representing lesbian culture and/or queer culture. We get lesbian or bisexual characters, generally enmeshed in the linoleum lives of The Straights, but rarely will a lesbian know any other queer women besides her girlfriend and infrequently will anything about the character clock as gay besides their interest in chastely kissing a member of the same sex with her shirt on.

Raw Vegan Influencer Busted Eating Meat - Rebecca Watson

lundi 25 mars 2019 à 11:27


Mark Zuckerberg discovers privacy – TechCrunch

mercredi 20 mars 2019 à 08:17

In a ballooning 3,225 words — a roughly average word count for the terminally verbose Facebook founder — Zuckerberg informed his miserably loyal 2.3 billion plus subjects that his company has happened upon a concept known as privacy, and, in doing so, it sees an opportunity. But can Facebook reform its 15-year legacy as devourer of all things private with a single sweeping, underedited screed from its copycat visionary and dark-pattern technocrat?

Fuck no, of course it can’t.

You Guys

vendredi 15 mars 2019 à 18:33

Is Guys Gender-Neutral?

Short answer: No. It simply is not gender-neutral, especially when men say it to a mixed group. The dictionary is wrong. Real people don’t use it neutrally in the real world.

Taken from life: The unsettling art of death photography - BBC News

vendredi 15 mars 2019 à 18:30

Photographs of loved ones taken after they died may seem morbid to modern sensibilities. But in Victorian England, they became a way of commemorating the dead and blunting the sharpness of grief.

[CW photographs of dead people]

Wesh :: La magie de Lou — Blog d'une sorcière amatrice

vendredi 15 mars 2019 à 16:18

En commençant à me documenter pour commencer à pratiquer je me suis vite rendue compte que la quasi totalité des ressources sur le sujet sont fortement influencées par la Wicca qui est trop construite comme une religion pour que ça me parle, ainsi que par les pratiques anglo-saxonnes d’héritage colonialiste.

Tout ça fait que je me sens très peu concernée et connectée au vocabulaire, aux ingrédients et du coup aux rituels sur lesquels je trouve des informations.

C’est pour ça que je vais essayer d’explorer des choses plus locales en me plongeant dans le folklore d’Europe de l’Ouest et/ou Centrale (étant donné que je suis d’Alsace j’ai plus de chances d’avoir des ancêtres celtes qu’amérindiens)

Russian Doll, Maniac, The Good Place, and how helping others is also helping yourself

dimanche 3 mars 2019 à 15:20

In order to get right with ourselves, we have to see outside ourselves—and in order to do that, we need other people. Our survival depends on it.

The past and Future of Women’s Orgasms Onscreen | Bitch Media

dimanche 3 mars 2019 à 15:11

In the 2006 documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated, director Kimberly Peirce notes that her 1999 film Boys Don’t Cry was originally rated NC-17—which is considered the kiss of death for movies seeking a broad audience—in part because a main character, Lana (Chloë Sevigny), had an orgasm that was “too long.” Peirce speculates that the problem lay in Lana’s undeniable pleasure—“There’s something about that that’s scaring them, that’s unnerving them.”

Anger Can Be Contagious — Here's How To Stop The Spread

dimanche 3 mars 2019 à 13:13

Even if you're not aware of it, it's likely that your emotions will influence someone around you today.

This can happen during our most basic exchanges, say on your commute to work. "If someone smiles at you, you smile back at them," says sociologist Nicholas Christakis of Yale University. "That's a very fleeting contagion of emotion from one person to another."

But it doesn't stop there. Emotions can spread through social networks almost like the flu or a cold. And the extent to which emotions can cascade is eye-opening.

The Lustful Middle School Girl Rises - The New York Times

dimanche 3 mars 2019 à 13:10

The default pop cultural perspective remains that of the adult man, and from his vantage point, exposing adolescent female sexuality onscreen can feel predatory or perverted. These comedies have little interest in considering how those men will feel when they are transported into a girl’s bedroom. Girls’ feelings matter, too. And these girls feel so much.

Viagra Might Relieve Period Cramps, but Male Pharmaceutical Execs Don't Care

dimanche 3 mars 2019 à 12:55

When Viagra — sildenafil citrate — was tested initially as heart medication, its well-known properties for men were discovered. “Hallelujah,” said Big Pharma, and research ceased. However, in subsequent tests the same drug was found to offer total relief for serious period pain over four hours. This didn’t impress the male review panel, who refused further funding, remarking that cramps were not a public health priority.