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Tell the FCC: Net Neutrality is (still) crucial to free software

mercredi 10 septembre 2014 à 19:04

This post was originally published in July, before the end of the first FCC comment period. Now we're highlighting it again before the end of the second comment period, in support of today's Internet Slowdown day of action. Tons of major Web sites (including ours) are coming together today to give a tongue-in-cheek demonstration of what would happen if the FCC caves to Big Cable and guts Net Neutrality.

If you're in the US, please tell decisionmakers how important Net Neutrality is to the free software community (even if you commented in earlier, it will be counted again). If you're not in the US, you'll still find this post interesting -- there is precedent for other countries basing their rules on what happens here.

We are not linking to the official Internet Slowdown action page because it requires running proprietary JavaScript and heavily encourages Facebook. But we agree with their goals, so we are acting in solidarity by displaying their clever banner (which is free JavaScript) and linking to the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Dear FCC tool, where you can take action in freedom.

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) needs to be convinced that Net Neutrality is worth saving. The agency has asked members of the public, along with industry leaders and entrepreneurs, to tell it why Internet Service Providers should be banned from traffic discrimination. This comment window is one of the best opportunities we've had to make an impact.

Comments are due Monday, September 15, 2014. Submit your statement in support of Net Neutrality right away using the Electronic Frontier Foundation's free software commenting tool.

Net neutrality, the principle that all traffic on the Internet should be treated equally, should be a basic right for Internet users. It's also crucial for free software's continued growth and success. Here's why:

Media distribution giants that use Digital Restrictions Management and proprietary software to control what's on your computer have also been fighting for years to control the network. Without Net Neutrality, DRM-laden materials could be easier to access, while DRM-free competitors could be stuck in the slow lane. Web-based free software projects like GNU MediaGoblin could also suffer the slow treatment while competitors like YouTube shell out big bucks for speedier service. The bottom line--an Internet where the most powerful interests can pay for huge speed advantages could push smaller free software projects right off the map and make it harder for decentralized projects to flourish. That's not good for free software, and it's not good for other innovative voices for change in the digital world.

Tell the FCC: Net Neutrality will help free software flourish.

Activists have worked for years to get to this moment. Over the last several months, things have really heated up--with Internet freedom lovers camping out outside of the FCC, serenading FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler with a special version "Which Side Are You On?" The comments flooding in to the agency have jammed the phones and crashed the FCC's email servers. And yet, Chairman Wheeler still thinks he can get away with ignoring overwhelming public outrage and wrecking the free Internet. We have to keep up our historic momentum in order to convince a cable-industry sympathizer like Chairman Wheeler to listen to the public and protect Net Neutrality.

The deadline for comments is less than a week from now on Monday. Don't delay--comment now!

Interview with GNU remotecontrol

lundi 8 septembre 2014 à 23:25

GNU remotecontrol logo

In this edition, we conducted an email-based interview with Stephen H. Dawson and the rest of the GNU remotecontrol project, a web application for managing building automation devices. Stephen is the maintainer of the GNU remotecontrol software project and is an Information Technology Management professional with over twenty-five years of industry experience in various areas of application development, database management, and networking.

Tell us a bit about GNU remotecontrol

GNU remotecontrol is a web application serving as a management tool for reading from and writing to multiple IP enabled heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) thermostats, and other building automation devices. While various IP thermostat manufacturers have offered web portals exclusively for their users to remotely access and adjust the settings of individual thermostats, they do not provide a unified management tool for multiple thermostats. The goal of GNU remotecontrol is to provide this management tool for individuals and companies alike.

The background on this project is focused around the HVAC Thermostat. Currently, there is an international effort to create a smart grid, which is a modernized electrical grid that uses data-driven, responsive technologies which are designed to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. The HVAC thermostat of today struggles to become part of the smart grid due to an inability to provide remotely controlled HVAC operation and an unfitness to predict HVAC demand. The tension to balance HVAC comfort against cost is a constant challenge. GNU remotecontrol provides the ability to simplify energy management and determine energy costs through a database driven, web application with a user interface that provides simple to operate check boxes and pull-down menus. GNU remotecontrol can be used to increase the deployment of the smart grid, while also providing additional end user benefits through data driven decision making. The results are lower costs from optimized HVAC management and the improved efficiency of existing HVAC implementations. The long-term target of the GNU remotecontrol project is to pave the way for demand response through unattended server side automation.

What inspired you to create GNU remotecontrol?

GNU remotecontrol is not a solo effort. GNU remotecontrol would not exist without the project team. There are also several folks contributing on and off without being a part of the team.

The vision for GNU remotecontrol came in 1978. The United States was experiencing a substantial energy supply problem. GNU remotecontrol was envisioned to help solve the energy consumption problem, on a national basis. The technology necessary to interconnect the various pieces of GNU remotecontrol was not widely available in 1978. 2007 started the first tangible software development effort, after years of thinking, talking, and sketching plans. Several technology pieces brought together under GNU remotecontrol were already in place and could be leveraged by GNU remotecontrol, once the initial code development was complete. We considered selling the software. We found two firm barriers preventing widespread adoption in the commercial market.

  1. People wanted the software under their control, including possession of the source code.
  2. People wanted help to use the software, but were often unsure of the help they needed.

It became clear commercial usage of this software would not occur at any foreseeable future, if ever, due to the requirements of the people using this software. They want a complete list of information regarding the software (source code) and assistance available to them (collaboration) before they would commit to using it. This inseparable combination brought the realization to release the software through a license satisfying these exact two user requirements.

How are people using it?

This answer is three-fold, based on the network connected HVAC thermostats available today:

We are not surprised there are those who feel GNU remotecontrol is their competitor, although we state GNU remotecontrol does not have competitors. We are a collaborative effort. True collaboration is the polar opposite of competition.

Now, let's talk a bit about who is involved using GNU remotecontrol and the flow of steps to get things working.

  1. Getting GNU remotecontrol setup with the source code, the web server, and the database server is an information technology effort.
  2. Getting GNU remotecontrol setup with an energy efficiency plan is a mechanical engineering effort, after the GNU remotecontrol information technology parts are setup.
  3. Getting a network connected HVAC thermostat setup is a combined effort, between mechanical engineering and information technology.
  4. Selecting GNU remotecontrol is often the financial officer's or business owner's decision. The financial officer receives the hardware and software requirements of the business facilities, from information technology and mechanical engineering groups, undertaking an evaluation of cost versus benefit regarding any proposed energy management solution.
  5. The business then chooses the option best meeting their needs. Guidance on structuring the implementation cost is covered in the GNU remotecontrol user manual.

What features do you think really sets GNU remotecontrol apart from similar software?

The "ease of use" phrase is the most prevalent comment we hear from first time users. The ability to perform concurrent operations on multiple network connected HVAC thermostats is another key feature of GNU remotecontrol, bringing significant time savings to installations with large numbers of thermostats. Automatically adjusting multiple time zones allows the management of geographically dispersed systems from a single location. Usage logs with timestamps can be used to generate detailed management reports and further off line data analysis. GNU remotecontrol also provides detailed access controls for different user groups, role based authentication, encryption, and other features that are not often found in similar software.

It is our considered opinion the coming together for these three groups (information technology, mechanical engineering, and financial officer) is what GNU remotecontrol can best deliver to the public. We are helping to build these groups into a team. Each of these groups have their education and certifications in their respective area of expertise. They all need each other, to successfully run their facilities and accomplish the goals of their organization. One group cannot try to accomplish the role of another group, nor can they risk a guess in areas outside their expertise. They need to work with each other, as a unified group, as a team, to determine what their organization should implement. The group members who can communicate effectively with others will succeed using GNU remotecontrol to optimize the operation of their HVAC systems.

What barriers do you think exist before wider adoption of GNU remotecontrol will occur?

The marketplace has many different network connected HVAC thermostats, each combining bits of different technologies. There is little standardization. There are plenty of technology standards, technology organizations, and industry associations speaking to the network connected HVAC thermostat concept. A standards based network connected HVAC thermostat is still quite expensive today, because the market cannot settle on a single technology standard and begin large scale manufacturing. The same principle occurred in data networking, once the combination of ethernet and IP addressing was selected. We make the following controversial statement. Once the market chooses a single set of end-to-end technology standards to build the network connected HVAC thermostat, there will be many manufacturers making and selling network connected HVAC thermostats. This statement we make is controversial, due to the widespread argument about price versus technology features being the driver for maturing the network connected HVAC thermostat aspect of the smart grid. The circles of this argument are mostly either an industry push or a market demand mindset. The desire for this technology has yet to present a clear pattern, because technology standardization is not present, which is preventing the start of widespread manufacturing.

The features available in each product will go up and cost of each product will go down, as in any other product offering where there is direct competition. Essentially, the same turn of events which radically occurred with data network routers and switches approximately fifteen years ago is about to occur with the network connected HVAC thermostat. Select a standard, 'commoditization' of design and manufacturing kick in, and the market demand increases due to lower prices. This turn of events will most likely play out in North America, Japan, possibly South Korea, while now occurring in India. India is now retooling their entire national electric grid, to be complete within the next fifteen years. It is not a matter of if the network connected HVAC thermostat will be a viable member of a smart grid. It is a matter of when this membership will occur. We expect several developed nations to have made these decisions within the next ten years from now, along with big milestones occurring in all financial markets, social communities, and developed nations within the next two years. These milestones will collectivity accelerate adoption of the network connected HVAC thermostat in residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.

The leading HVAC topic of today is the numbers game. Numbers, in the form of who is paying for the energy bill, who is paying for the hardware to run the HVAC system, and who is paying for the paychecks of the people operating the organizations many HVAC systems. Adding the network connected aspect to the HVAC thermostat requires the mechanical engineering group to work hand-in-hand with information technology group. The network connected aspect also means information technology is now inseparable from the effort to operate HVAC systems. The mechanical engineering and the information technology groups each must become comfortable with this work arrangement, to successfully operate network connected HVAC thermostats. The good news for any organization is the rising cost of energy will cause anyone considering the costs of HVAC systems to only purchase from suppliers and employ staff who can collaborate effectively to achieve operating cost savings.

Why did you choose the AGPL as GNU remotecontrol's license?

We spent nine months researching which license to select for this software project, along with years of looking beforehand. We spoke with GNU about AGPL. They talked us through some of the scenarios which could ultimately occur with this software project, in the long-term, along with what has occurred with other software projects, in the past. The option for anyone to take this software, alter it within the parameters of the AGPL license, all while providing a complete understanding of those alterations, is quite attractive to us. Richard Stallman states, "Any software without a license is not free." We agree with this statement.

How can users (technical or otherwise) help contribute to GNU remotecontrol?

We foresee the project will grow to include additional software development languages, along with further language translation of both the user interface display language and the project documentation. We have a pretty good development test environment now, but would like to setup a more robust test environment. We would like to include an innovation aspect to our test environment, where contributors can work through what-if scenarios and improve the software. We are looking for a Development Server Administrator. We welcome contributions from both PHP Developer and MySQL Developer folks.

What's the next big thing for GNU remotecontrol?

Short answer, data privacy within the smart grid. A credible, dependable, and trustworthy software project must responsibly address the associated data privacy involved with such a large scale transformation to any culture. Would you ever want anything less? The success of the smart grid is resting upon effectively predicting demand for energy consumption and executing dynamic demand response. Successfully predicting demand for energy consumption involves recording historical energy consumption, for identifying trends of probable future energy demand. This historical usage is where the data privacy matter is centered. The reality is historical user data will be stored by the public utility. It is only a matter of how the residential customer wants their specific user data handled.

Long answer, helping people understand the data privacy need within the smart grid and understanding how to achieve it. People ask, “why are we doing this?” Our answer is it needs to be done, as a matter of social responsibility. Need can be a controversial term, depending on how the term is used. The word “need” is never controversial when referring to a customer or business defining what they require. The phrase caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) is a concern when considering altering a national electric grid. Successfully selecting and implementing technologies to work together is no small task. The best way we can see helping is providing both source code and collaboration. The phrase caveat lector (let the reader beware) is suitable to any culture desiring to alter their national electric grid. Enabling the world to read about both best practices and source code for energy management software helps to successfully purchase either hardware or professional services.

The simplicity of installing the HVAC thermostat has been well proven for many years. The local home supply store has many different options available for purchase. The network connected aspect is where rubber meets the road today. GNU remotecontrol began and continues with the understanding the three roles of financial, mechanical, and informational must successfully work together as a group within any organization. We do not claim to have all of the answers, because we know we do not have all of the answers, nor will we ever have all of the answers. Companies come and go. The most wonderful technology of today, from a company which ceases to exist tomorrow, does not help anyone the day afterwards. We are working on the software, while gathering the best practices, hoping the hardware will standardize. The hardware will one day standardize, as the marketplace wants the network connected HVAC thermostat. GNU remotecontrol is attempting to help smooth the road between today and the realization of the next generation electric grid.

Enjoyed this interview? Check out our previous entry in this series featuring the developers of

Recap of Friday Free Software Directory IRC meetup: September 5

samedi 6 septembre 2014 à 01:01

Today's Friday Free Software Directory IRC Meeting was both productive and comedic. While some of us were working hard updating and adding new entries to the Directory, others were keeping us fully entertained by debating software freedom in the context of UFOs and other alien spacecraft.

Two highlights from today's meeting are packages from a new contributor, Tsyesika:

In addition to maintenance work and adding some new semantic property values and categories, we also published updates to a number of existing packages, including: TappyTux, State Machine Compiler, Psi, PrimaGIS, Moodle, Liferea, GNU HaliFAX, Ggcov, GShow TV, Fwlogwatch, Empathy, BirdFont, Bibfilex, Bayonne, and AudioMove.

As far as we know all of the packages in the Free Software Directory were created by humans on planet Earth.

You, too, can join in on the fun. Find out how to attend our Friday Free Software Directory IRC Meetings by checking our blog or subscribing to the RSS feed.

Bring the FSF to your campus!

samedi 6 septembre 2014 à 00:06

Software freedom and learning go hand in hand. Textbooks should be DRM-free, readily shareable, and easy to check out from the library for as long as you need them. You should be able to use whatever free operating system you choose, not forced into a contract with Microsoft (as is the case at schools like Virginia Tech). Everyone studying computer science at the college level should be able to see and learn from the code that makes their software tick. Learning is a cooperative endeavor; the tools you use to learn should promote cooperation, not proprietize human knowledge.

We're on a mission to help students and other members of campus communities organize to make their schools free software friendly. Would you like us to come to your campus to speak to your class, meet with your student group, or give you tools to meet with your administrators? Email

GNU Spotlight with Karl Berry: 26 new GNU releases!

vendredi 29 août 2014 à 23:01

To get announcements of most new GNU releases, subscribe to the info-gnu mailing list: Nearly all GNU software is available from, or preferably one of its mirrors ( You can use the url to be automatically redirected to a (hopefully) nearby and up-to-date mirror.

This month, we welcome Raman Gopalan as a new co-maintainer of GNU gengen (with its author Lorenzo Bettini), Marcel Schaible as the new maintainer of GNU gperf, and Sergey Poznyakoff adds yet another new package, direvent, to his long list. I'd also like to specially thank Assaf Gordon (the author and maintainer of GNU datamash, new last month) for a significant amount of effort with all aspects of Savannah; new Savannah volunteers are always needed, and welcome. Thanks to all.

A number of GNU packages, as well as the GNU operating system as a whole, are looking for maintainers and other assistance: please see if you'd like to help. The general page on how to help GNU is at To submit new packages to the GNU operating system, see

As always, please feel free to write to me,, with any GNUish questions or suggestions for future installments.