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Applying Kwin Blur to Transparent Konsole/Yakuake Windows

mardi 1 octobre 2013 à 21:10

If you use Konsole or Yakuake with transparency you might have noticed that Kwin’s blur effect, that has been around for awhile and that blurs the background of various transparent elements in the UI (eg panels and plasma popups), does not apply to transparent Konsole or Yakuake windows. This has always irked me a tiny bit, but when I discovered that you can blur transparent terminal windows on OSX, that got me itchy enough to do the token research.

The story is a familiar one: it’s not too hard just to GET WORKING, and patches to do it exist, however getting it to work in a sensible way is non-trivial, and so the patches are rejected and the feature itself is pending future structural changes. Basically, it’s not going to happen on it’s own anytime soon.

Fortunately, there are ways to get it working on your own – and they do not involve applying custom patches and rebuilding anything. Turns out there is a terminal command one can run to immediately apply blur on, for example, current active Konsole windows:

xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 32c -set _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 0 -id `qdbus org.kde.konsole /konsole/MainWindow_1 winId`

And for a currently active Yakuake:


Now to do this automatically so that your yakuake and konsole windows are ALWAYS blurred, you can simply add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc:

Spoilered: Old, not so good code Show

Edit: commenters have posted improved versions of the code, thanks commenters! See improved version below:

konsolex=$(qdbus | grep konsole | cut -f 2 -d\ )
if [ -n konsolex ]; then
for konsole in $konsolex
xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 32c -set _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 0 -id `qdbus $konsole /konsole/MainWindow_1 winId`;
if [ `qdbus | grep yakuake` ]; then

Of course, this often results in the command being run redundantly, but that doesn’t appear to bring any tangible ill-effects. It all works well enough for a quick hackaround. And the results are delicious indeed.

Hana no Android Gakuen Specials 3 and 4 English Translated

dimanche 18 août 2013 à 11:39

And these are it: the last of the Android Gakuen manga strips freely available online. I originally planned to close the curtains on this whole translation endeavor with the release of these last strips, but it turns out that a friendly neighbourhood reader Elaine Nguygen has volunteered to send me the raw strips in the first Android Gakuen manga volume, and so I now plan to work on those too, which means more Android Gakuen translated strips to come! Of course, those may not stay up as the raws aren’t freely available, so I may have to take them down if the authors/copyright holders complain, but at least for now the plan is to go on with that for as long as I am able.

While I’m at it I’d also like to apologize a little to anyone who may be actively following my translations for being so incredibly slow at the whole thing. Unfortunately this isn’t something I am able to fix, since necessarily this pet project must take lower priority to a lot of the other stuff I’m responsible to. These strips really should have been out two or so weeks ago, but stuff came up and I ended up swamped for quite a while and only managed to put everything together now.

Anyway, I’ll continue to do my best. If I can’t work fast I’ll at least try to ensure my translated strips are as high quality as my inexperienced self can make them :) In the meantime, enjoy Specials 3 and 4! Shoutout to JX for his help with the translation.

Look for translations of previous chapters in the category archives.

Hit the jump for the translated strip. Like all Japanese manga, this should be read right to left, top to bottom.

Notes: The shady figure in the first panel is basically “Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications-san” in the original, far too unwieldy, and so I’ve replaced it with a more natural “Sir” with the footnote. “Tsunagariyasusa” is something of a gimmick word that by sound means “ease of connectivity”, but in text is spelled out with a bunch of difficult and scary kanji.

World domination.. mmm~~

Notes: clarifying the “mascot” references, Softbank’s real mascot is the dog. The censored smiling man on the other hand is I believe this guy (thanks JX).

And dat Apple-kun-on-ice image… ohgodwhy.

Sources for Special 3 are here and for Special 4 are here.
Creative Commons License
These translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Getting the Maliit/Plasma Active Virtual Keyboard working for Gtk apps in PA3

dimanche 14 juillet 2013 à 20:17

I’ve had more frustration than I’m comfortable admitting to trying to get this to work – I actually gave up and compiled kvkbd at one point. Now that I have it down though it all looks infuriatingly obvious in hindsight. Anyway..

The problem: if you have the official Plasma Active 3 image installed and running on some device, and at some point or another installed/ran a gtk app on your system, you’ll quickly realize that the Maliit-based virtual keyboard does not trigger in your gtk app. That’s contrary to what was promised from the Maliit move! And in fact Maliit predates Plasma Active and should have perfect gtk support, so what gives? It turns out that Plasma Active only includes the Maliit input context plugin for Qt and not for gtk, and that’s basically the problem. (Presumably they decided to save it since the image does not include anything gtk)

The solution: You basically need to install that gtk input context plugin. What I did was I took the package from the recommended repos for openSUSE linked from the Maliit website (specifically this repo). The commands to run (as root!) are:

# zypper ar maliitosfact
# zypper refresh
# zypper in maliit-inputcontext-gtk2

And then update the gtk immodules before rebooting:

# gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules

Note: Zypper will complain about different maliit versions and prompt you to fix by pulling and replacing packages from the openSUSE repo – DON’T DO IT! Just tell it to break maliit-inputcontext-gtk2 by ignoring some dependencies so you install only one package!

You might also want to disable the openSUSE maliit repo after you’re done so you don’t inadvertently pull stuff from it in future:

zypper mr -d maliitosfact

I’m not 100% sure pulling and replacing those packages will actually cause bad things to happen, but I’ve learnt by being bitten – painfully – multiple times not to risk these things if at all possible :) Anyway, the plugin in fact does work perfectly with the Maliit stuff from Plasma Active despite the zypper warnings:

Plasma Active Maliit Keyboard working on an old Fennec build

Of course, this all only works assuming you’re on an i586/x86 device. It’ll probably be harder to find binary packages for the input plugin on arm for example, but this should hopefully at least point you in the right direction. Perhaps you could just build it from source or something.

I know it’s probably already near the end of PA3′s lifecycle now, but hopefully this will still help some frustrated soul out :)

Hana no Android Gakuen Special 2 English Translated

samedi 6 juillet 2013 à 19:38

It’s been a really long time I know. Unsurprisingly, I got busy, and the knowledge that Android Gakuen will no longer be available as online strips was basically fatal to my motivation for a long time. For those who are not aware: after 13 initial strips plus 4 ‘Specials’ that were made available at the Weekly Ascii website, the rest of Android Gakuen is basically print-only, which means that I can no longer translate and make them available here unless someone could provide scans.

I still however do get a lot of hits from people seeking Android Gakuen translated strips, so I’ve decided that I should at least finish translating everything that is available. So I went to work again, and here’s Special number 2! I’ll try to get Specials 3 and 4 done within the next month, and with that finally bring some deserved closure to this whole endeavor :)

Look for translations of previous chapters in the category archives.

Hit the jump for the translated strip. Like all Japanese manga, this should be read right to left, top to bottom.

Notes: Of course, this is all very old news now. This strip was released nearly two years ago IIRC. For those confused about the random ‘Aru’ that Hwawei chan keeps throwing out, that’s just a kind of talking style, commonly, I believe, associated with chinese-y characters (think Kagura for those of you familiar with Gintama). Also, for those of you who need reminding, Fuji Tooru is Fujitsu, Tooru being an alternative way to say the ‘通’ kanji.

Sources are here.
Creative Commons License
These translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Ayase’s Farewell

mardi 25 juin 2013 à 10:19

Not cool :(

I’m not even sure how or why, but I’ve somehow become quite invested in this show and its characters. I don’t even think it’s doing an overly good job – it’s an enjoyable enough show and isn’t quite as bad as some people seem to imply, and it’s got some fun and interesting sides to it. But I’ve never been overly interested in the drama – except I seem to be now. I find I’ve started caring about the characters and what is happening to them. Perhaps my reversal of opinion on Kirino at the threshold of season 2 was enough of a spark to get me interested enough in the characters to become attached to them. In any case that’s all aside from the point of this post, which is more accurately summarized in the following picture:

Wow, what in blazes just happened? Like Kirino, I had always thought that Ayase was the least likely person to get on the Kyousuke harem train. Apparently we both thought wrong – she was in line and sinker from the beginning. Not like I really had a clear idea of what was going on in Ayase’s head most of the time anyway. I’ve always had trouble forming a solid read on Ayase’s character – she had always been a little removed from the more serious and intricate parts of the character relationship web. In fact, it always felt like she was almost – to just come out and say it – unidimensional. A character that functioned mostly as an ingredient to fuel the show’s taste for relationship taboo and teases with her creepy obsession with Kirino. Sure, much of her crazy screentime was fun to watch, but I always had trouble taking her too seriously. I mean, she’s a lesbian yandere character, how likely is that supposed to be?

And then now, comes this. I’m not sure if I should have seen it coming, but I didn’t. In just a couple of episodes they put Ayase in some cute scenes and have her interact a bunch with Kyousuke and then spring this confession on us and expect it work? Well…. it kind of did. Watching her rejection hurt. Perhaps even more so for the fact that this was the moment, in the entirety of the show, that her character has felt the most genuine and human, with feelings and vulnerabilities that we can understand and identify with. The moment shed a different light on her behavior up till the current point. What was once playful, inexplicable violence and lesbian-esque obsession is now revealed to be escapism and self-denial not unlike Kirino’s own. Except unlike Kirino, Ayase embraced her truth to find herself met with the brick wall of Kyousuke’s truth – rejection. And all of their ridiculous semi-flirtatious banter and Kyousuke’s oblivious sexual harassment only added to the height of the fall in that moment.

Why isn’t it me?!
You told me to marry you!
You’ve sexually harassed me so many times!
I’ll ..murder you if you don’t go out with me..

Just.. not cool :( The ED sequence was also surprisingly potent. Intentionally or not, it resonated with the progression of my impression of Ayase’s character: puzzle pieces of past scenes slowly tumbling into an incomplete picture that remained incomprehensible until near the very end, where the puzzle completes in an image of Ayase – quietly smiling and blushing – away from Kyousuke’s line of sight.


Some other stray thoughts:

– The first part of the episode was kind of iffy. It was kind of like the Clannad scene where everybody cooked a bento for Tomoya – a harem flaunting, that I thought was mostly pointless.

– One wonders at Kyousuke tripping the flags of just about every damn girl in the show, including girls like Ayase that are clearly out of his league (which also added, incidentally, to the pain at the moment of rejection). If his compulsive tendency to meddle in and fuss all over other people’s problems is the key trait responsible for all of this maiden heart-sniping, then I guess he ironically has Kirino to thank for it all. It’s interesting that while Kirino’s existence compels Kyousuke to outdo himself (even if in often uncool ways), Kyousuke’s existence appears to frustrate Kirino (who by scattered anecdotes is apparently normally kind and reliable) into irritable insufferability.

– Kyousuke’s unflinching rejection of Ayase is indicative of some further growth in his character. The entire cycle of drama with Kuroneko and Kirino in the previous arc evidently did something to the evasive, indecisive Kyousuke around the time of Kuroneko’s confession.

– I’m a little disappointed that Manami, and more importantly Kuroneko, are mostly wallpaper characters in this arc. It felt like the end of the Kuroneko girlfriend arc left a lot of emotions and expectations hanging, and the current arc has done very little to diffuse or otherwise legitimately sidestep that. I hope they at least spend some decent time working out the Kirino-Manami relationship eventually, though it doesn’t look like there are many episodes left.

– It’s nice that they bothered to hint at Ayase’s feelings, and then at Kyousuke beginning to realize those feelings, before hitting us with the confession scene proper. In general, I feel like this is one of the more important subtle things that the season 2 has improved on. Much of the drama in season 1 was ‘flash-flood’-y, coming suddenly and going swiftly, making the more serious parts of the season unpleasantly jarring. The many little attempts at buildup in season 2 have been a welcome change.

- … what is up with Ayase’s eyes.