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#Lula defende #Snowden: "ele presta serviço à humanidade denunciando os EUA" | Operamundi #brasil #wikileaks #brazil

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 05:11
#Lula defende #Snowden: "ele presta serviço à humanidade denunciando os EUA" | Operamundi #brasil #wikileaks #brazil

FAIR: Bradley Manning Is Not a Royal Baby @FAIRmediawatch #freebrad #wikileaks

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 04:54
FAIR: Bradley Manning Is Not a Royal Baby @FAIRmediawatch #freebrad #wikileaks

ACLU head: Edward #Snowden "did this country a service" | Bloomberg

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 04:48
ACLU head: Edward #Snowden "did this country a service" | Bloomberg

This Day in #WikiLeaks: Judge refuses to dismiss "aiding the enemy" charge against #Manning; Further updates on trial

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 03:38
This Day in #WikiLeaks: Judge refuses to dismiss "aiding the enemy" charge against #Manning; Further updates on trial

RT @csoghoian: Via journalists alone, I'd bet Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are within 3 phone/email hops of most top US national secur…

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 01:27
RT @csoghoian: Via journalists alone, I'd bet Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are within 3 phone/email hops of most top US national secur…

RT @NSA_PR: We're launching a new PRISM opt-out campaign, just go to http://███.███.███/prism/opt-███.html

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 01:26
RT @NSA_PR: We're launching a new PRISM opt-out campaign, just go to http://███.███.███/prism/opt-███.html

A Letter to Edward Snowden | Nation

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 00:46
A Letter to Edward Snowden | Nation

RT @FreedomofPress: How Today's Ruling in the Bradley Manning Case Could Adversely Affect Journalists and Whistleblowers…

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 20:38
RT @FreedomofPress: How Today's Ruling in the Bradley Manning Case Could Adversely Affect Journalists and Whistleblowers…

Once again it is confirmed that Bradley #Manning's trial is little but a show trial. #wikileaks #freebrad

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 20:37
Once again it is confirmed that Bradley #Manning's trial is little but a show trial. #wikileaks #freebrad

RT @nathanLfuller: Report: Judge refuses to dismiss Aiding the Enemy and Computer Fraud charges against Manning

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 20:36
RT @nathanLfuller: Report: Judge refuses to dismiss Aiding the Enemy and Computer Fraud charges against Manning

RT @amnesty: Travesty of justice: Judge in #BradleyManning Case Allows Charge of Aiding the Enemy

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 20:36
RT @amnesty: Travesty of justice: Judge in #BradleyManning Case Allows Charge of Aiding the Enemy

.@amnesty It took you two and a half years to realize the absurdity of the "aiding the enemy" charge aganst Bradley Manning. But concrats.

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 20:36
.@amnesty It took you two and a half years to realize the absurdity of the "aiding the enemy" charge aganst Bradley Manning. But concrats.

The dangers of pursuing the "aiding the enemy" charge against Bradley #Manning | @FreedomofPress #freebrad

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 16:36
The dangers of pursuing the "aiding the enemy" charge against Bradley #Manning | @FreedomofPress #freebrad

RT @nathanLfuller: IMPORTANT: ruling only based on gov evidence, which legally must be viewed most favorably to prosec. Could find not guil…

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 16:25
RT @nathanLfuller: IMPORTANT: ruling only based on gov evidence, which legally must be viewed most favorably to prosec. Could find not guil…

Judge refuses to dismiss "aiding the enemy" charge against Bradley #Manning | AP #wikileaks #freebrad

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 16:24
Judge refuses to dismiss "aiding the enemy" charge against Bradley #Manning | AP #wikileaks #freebrad

RT @agenciapublica: Leia a análise sobre o julgamento de #BradleyManning e as implicações à liberdade imprensa em caso de condenação: http…

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 14:16
RT @agenciapublica: Leia a análise sobre o julgamento de #BradleyManning e as implicações à liberdade imprensa em caso de condenação: http…

Puerto Rico part of #NSA #LatAm mass spy system @calle13oficial #Snowden @calle13oficial

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 14:05
Puerto Rico part of #NSA #LatAm mass spy system @calle13oficial #Snowden @calle13oficial

Being cynical: Julian Assange, Google, and the year's weirdest book #snowden #prism #assange

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 13:46
Being cynical: Julian Assange, Google, and the year's weirdest book #snowden #prism #assange

German offers 'nature walk' to see NSA spybase - gets raided by police #prism #snowden #NSA

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 11:38
German offers 'nature walk' to see NSA spybase - gets raided by police #prism #snowden #NSA

US v Pfc. #Manning | The names and information for the expected 13 USG sentencing witnesses with classified testimony

jeudi 18 juillet 2013 à 09:02
US v Pfc. #Manning | The names and information for the expected 13 USG sentencing witnesses with classified testimony