Twitter - wikileaks


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RT @SMaurizi: (3/3)to build a collection of "kompromat" to use eventually to displace Nazarbayev and install himself as president http://t…

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 10:30
RT @SMaurizi: (3/3)to build a collection of "kompromat" to use eventually to displace Nazarbayev and install himself as president http://t…

RT @SMaurizi: (2/3) programme to wire-tap ALL senior officials and financial oligarchs, then eventually Alyev wiretapped even his father in…

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 10:30
RT @SMaurizi: (2/3) programme to wire-tap ALL senior officials and financial oligarchs, then eventually Alyev wiretapped even his father in…

RT @SMaurizi: (1/3)Do not miss WikiLeaks cable on how Rakhat Alyev,former son in law of Kazakhstan's president Nazarbayev, established a ma…

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 10:29
RT @SMaurizi: (1/3)Do not miss WikiLeaks cable on how Rakhat Alyev,former son in law of Kazakhstan's president Nazarbayev, established a ma…

NSA in trying to defend its reputation for secrecy reveals even more of its cards #SecrecyBreedsIncompetence

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 10:14
NSA in trying to defend its reputation for secrecy reveals even more of its cards #SecrecyBreedsIncompetence

The US state vs whistleblowers - why Snowden is not alone | Channel 4

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 10:08
The US state vs whistleblowers - why Snowden is not alone | Channel 4

US again offends China over #Snowden | SCMP

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 09:40
US again offends China over #Snowden | SCMP

Alleged Stratfor source Jeremy Hammond has now been in prison for 500 days. #freehammond

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 09:27
Alleged Stratfor source Jeremy Hammond has now been in prison for 500 days. #freehammond

How many countries has the Obama administration alienated over #Snowden? Its extradition request has even been rejected by Ireland. Ireland.

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 09:24
How many countries has the Obama administration alienated over #Snowden? Its extradition request has even been rejected by Ireland. Ireland.

Millions Of Gigabytes Collected Underwater By US, UK | TYT

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 09:15
Millions Of Gigabytes Collected Underwater By US, UK | TYT

The daily displays of impotent rage by the Obama administration over Snowden are a sign of diplomatic incompetence.

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 09:12
The daily displays of impotent rage by the Obama administration over Snowden are a sign of diplomatic incompetence.

US retaliates against #Venezeula over #Snowden (violating UN Protocol on Status of Refugees) | UPI

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 08:51
US retaliates against #Venezeula over #Snowden (violating UN Protocol on Status of Refugees) | UPI

EE.UU. toma represalias contra Venezuela para que no acoja a Edward Snowden | @abc_es

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 08:43
EE.UU. toma represalias contra Venezuela para que no acoja a Edward Snowden | @abc_es

The issue has become so obvious even staid academics are now investigating the behavior of anti-WikiLeaks 'journalists'.

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:53
The issue has become so obvious even staid academics are now investigating the behavior of anti-WikiLeaks 'journalists'.

Paper: How western media twisted language in an attempt to isolate WikiLeaks after US attack

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:48
Paper: How western media twisted language in an attempt to isolate WikiLeaks after US attack

Paper: The case of Bradley Manning: state victimization, realpolitik and WikiLeaks #freebrad

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:38
Paper: The case of Bradley Manning: state victimization, realpolitik and WikiLeaks #freebrad

Paper: U.S. and French News Framing of Wikileaks and implications on internet Freedom of Expression

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:36
Paper: U.S. and French News Framing of Wikileaks and implications on internet Freedom of Expression

PHD thesis: the media framing of #WikiLeaks and Julian #Assange (pdf)

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:34
PHD thesis: the media framing of #WikiLeaks and Julian #Assange (pdf)

RT @trevortimm: Great point by @ColMorrisDavis: Compare Bradley Manning's case w/ the court martial of the Haditha massacre soldiers http:/…

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 07:00
RT @trevortimm: Great point by @ColMorrisDavis: Compare Bradley Manning's case w/ the court martial of the Haditha massacre soldiers http:/…

Master's thesis: The Media Framing Julian of #Assange

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 05:57
Master's thesis: The Media Framing Julian of #Assange

Former president Lula of Brazil defends Edward #Snowden #wikileaks #assange

vendredi 19 juillet 2013 à 05:12
Former president Lula of Brazil defends Edward #Snowden #wikileaks #assange