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RT @wlpress: Greek Parliament on Iraq debt forgiveness: reciprocity principle in international relations not observed #WikiLeaks http://t.c…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:55
RT @wlpress: Greek Parliament on Iraq debt forgiveness: reciprocity principle in international relations not observed #WikiLeaks http://t.c…

RT @ggreenwald: In a must-read WashPost Op-Ed, Dan Ellsberg explains why changes in US mean Snowden was right to leave…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:31
RT @ggreenwald: In a must-read WashPost Op-Ed, Dan Ellsberg explains why changes in US mean Snowden was right to leave…

Snowden, Assange y Manning: héroes en la guerra contra nosotros | ElCiudadano

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:29
Snowden, Assange y Manning: héroes en la guerra contra nosotros | ElCiudadano

Brasil denuncia espionaje de EE.UU. | Telegrafo

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:27
Brasil denuncia espionaje de EE.UU. | Telegrafo

RT @nathanLfuller: The government's case that Bradley #Manning "aided the enemy" relies on weak, ambiguous, and circumstantial evidence: ht…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:25
RT @nathanLfuller: The government's case that Bradley #Manning "aided the enemy" relies on weak, ambiguous, and circumstantial evidence: ht…

RT @ggreenwald: Charles Pierce: Snowden's disclosures are what made possible the "national conversation" Obama claimed he wanted http://t.…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:25
RT @ggreenwald: Charles Pierce: Snowden's disclosures are what made possible the "national conversation" Obama claimed he wanted http://t.…

RT @wlpress: HaitiLiberte Fundrazr - 4 days left! Articles using WikiLeaks cables: http://t.…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:25
RT @wlpress: HaitiLiberte Fundrazr - 4 days left! Articles using WikiLeaks cables: http://t.…

RT @wlpress: European Parliament votes 483 to 98 with 65 abstentions for in-depth inquiry into US surveillance programmes #PRISM http://t.c…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:21
RT @wlpress: European Parliament votes 483 to 98 with 65 abstentions for in-depth inquiry into US surveillance programmes #PRISM http://t.c…

RT @wlpress: Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, & Home Affairs (LIBE) to handle European Parliament #NSA surveillance inquiry http://t.…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:20
RT @wlpress: Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, & Home Affairs (LIBE) to handle European Parliament #NSA surveillance inquiry http://t.…

RT @wlpress: European Parliament resolution on #NSA surveillance program, surveillance in EU & impact on citizens' privacy #PRISM http://t.…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 17:20
RT @wlpress: European Parliament resolution on #NSA surveillance program, surveillance in EU & impact on citizens' privacy #PRISM http://t.…

RT @ActualidadRT: El peor temor de #Snowden ya es una realidad #EEUU

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 04:40
RT @ActualidadRT: El peor temor de #Snowden ya es una realidad #EEUU

How the Guardian spun what Correa really said about #Assange and Snowden @MashiRafael

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 04:38
How the Guardian spun what Correa really said about #Assange and Snowden @MashiRafael

GloboTV: President Dilma is "indignant" over report NSA is bulk-collecting millions of emails/calls of Brazilians

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 04:30
GloboTV: President Dilma is "indignant" over report NSA is bulk-collecting millions of emails/calls of Brazilians

RT @TheStarfish2: Priceless: A MasterCard Win for Assange and Wikileaks #thestarfish #wikileaks #assange #snowden #m…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 04:27
RT @TheStarfish2: Priceless: A MasterCard Win for Assange and Wikileaks #thestarfish #wikileaks #assange #snowden #m…

RT @AJEnglish: Brazil wants answers on US surveillance

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 01:07
RT @AJEnglish: Brazil wants answers on US surveillance

Snowden sostiene que Alemania y la NSA actúan de común acuerdo en el espionaje

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 01:07
Snowden sostiene que Alemania y la NSA actúan de común acuerdo en el espionaje

RT @evagolinger: EE.UU. espió correos y llamadas telefónicas de millones de brasileños via @ActualidadRT

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 01:06
RT @evagolinger: EE.UU. espió correos y llamadas telefónicas de millones de brasileños via @ActualidadRT

RT @evagolinger: Snowden's letter to Nicaragua requesting asylum (original in English after Spanish translation)

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 01:06
RT @evagolinger: Snowden's letter to Nicaragua requesting asylum (original in English after Spanish translation)

If Raul Castro's solidarity on #Snowden is serious Cuba will publically offer Snowden asylum. #cuba #cubana #havanna

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 01:04
If Raul Castro's solidarity on #Snowden is serious Cuba will publically offer Snowden asylum. #cuba #cubana #havanna

RT @ggreenwald: Don't worry: a court that meets in total secrecy, housed inside the DOJ, with only the Govt allowed to be present, is reall…

lundi 8 juillet 2013 à 00:55
RT @ggreenwald: Don't worry: a court that meets in total secrecy, housed inside the DOJ, with only the Govt allowed to be present, is reall…