Richard Stallman's Political Notes

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Cheng Lei

lundi 17 juin 2024 à 14:43

Cheng Lei, formerly a political prisoner in China, has used her prison experience as the basis for stand-up comedy in Australia.

Cheng Lei is an Australian citizen who was working in China as a journalist for an Australian organization. China allowed her to return to Australia. Chinese who have been political prisoners in China are often not allowed to leave China.

Using Eventbrite for access to an event is always bad because signing up using Eventbrite requires running nonfree software. Also, it requires identifying yourself. Those are two injustices to the attendee; I would not attend a performance if it required me to give my name to get a ticket.

In this specific situation, the injustices put some attendees in danger, too. It would not surprise me if Chinese crackers broke into the Eventbrite data base to find out who attended this performance. The performers were aware that Chine would try to identify the attendees; they should have protected their audience from digital identification as well as from cameras.

And did they insist on making it possible to pay cash? As China demonstrates every day, making people identify themselves to buy things is the foundation of repression.

Analyzing Labour party platform, UK

lundi 17 juin 2024 à 14:43

Analyzing the Labour platform: parts sound good, but crucial parts are missing.

Project 2025

lundi 17 juin 2024 à 14:43

*[The wrecker]'s [planned] mass purge of state department likely to sow chaos, US diplomats say.*

Aid delivery hampered, ISR

lundi 17 juin 2024 à 14:43

*[UNRWA] says [Israeli] authorities are hampering [aid delivery] operations by failing to grant requests for access permits.*

Online addictive-feeds law, NY

lundi 17 juin 2024 à 14:43

New York State is about to prohibit communication platforms from offering user's-history-dependent feeds to users under age 18.

I think this policy is very wise, but limiting it to only some users, based on their age, is misguided. Millions of adults have been sucked into conspiracy theories and even plots for insurrections by such systems. This policy also threatens to lead to requiring a user to show ID so as to prove per age.

So the policy should apply to all users regardless of age.

Instead of basing suggestions on what you have previously looked at, a platform should make available for download that list , as URLs one per line. Given that list, you could process it any way you like to get suggestions, then ask to look at those.

Please do not use the word "children" or "child" to refer to anyone under age 18. A 17-year-old is not a child. A 13-year-old is a teenager.