

source: jerezim

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jerezim: RT @PostActa: "user-generated content"= a © lobby-generated buzzword. #l4e

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 13:01
RT @PostActa: "user-generated content"= a © lobby-generated buzzword. #

jerezim: There is no such thing as "User-generated content". Just works published without publishers, directly on the web (through tech interm.) #l4e

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:44
There is no such thing as "User-generated content". Just works published without publishers, directly on the web (through tech interm.) #

jerezim: EU Commission either works for getting money from ggl to entertainment.. or is just avoiding democratic debate on reforming copyright. #l4e

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:42
EU Commission either works for getting money from ggl to entertainment.. or is just avoiding democratic debate on reforming copyright. #l4e

jerezim: We asked again "what exactly *is* 'User-generated content', other than citizens participating in culture?" (no answer) #nonsense #l4e #wg2

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:40
We asked again "what exactly *is* 'User-generated content', other than citizens participating in culture?" (no answer) # # #

jerezim: Now some kind of DRM, registering "rights" linked to works is presented as a "solution" to undefined problems... #l4e #wasteoftime

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:27
Now some kind of DRM, registering "rights" linked to works is presented as a "solution" to undefined problems... # #

jerezim: Someone <3 investigated "together against cybercrime", supposed to represent "users" at #l4e.. #shallow #copywrong

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:25
Someone <3 investigated "together against cybercrime", supposed to represent "users" at # # #

jerezim: They could replace us and do harm.. ? RT ‏@DaHammerstein: @jerezim [..] we should collectively reconsider our participation. [to #l4e]

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 12:17
They could replace us and do harm.. ? RT ‏@DaHammerstein: @jerezim [..] we should collectively reconsider our participation. [to #]

jerezim: The Commission wants to make us admit that "transparency" is a solution to a non-defined problem... #l4e #wasteoftime #copywrong

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 11:33
The Commission wants to make us admit that "transparency" is a solution to a non-defined problem... # # #

jerezim: Anyone heard of "Together against cybercrime" organisation? supposed to be part of "youth IGF" and represent "users"? #l4e

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 11:31
Anyone heard of "Together against cybercrime" organisation? supposed to be part of "youth IGF" and represent "users"? #

jerezim: Juste les autoproclamés "youth" prétextes à l'ineptie de l'EC RT @bortzmeyer @jerezim Arrête de critiquer les gens qui ont des cheveux gris!

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 11:22
Juste les autoproclamés "youth" prétextes à l'ineptie de l'EC RT @bortzmeyer @jerezim Arrête de critiquer les gens qui ont des cheveux gris!

jerezim: Grey-haired dude, represents "youth" from Commission-funded org presents nonsensical "multistakeholder" consultation-based "solution".. #l4e

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 11:08
Grey-haired dude, represents "youth" from Commission-funded org presents nonsensical "multistakeholder" consultation-based "solution".. #

jerezim: One more excruciatingly boring meeting of "Licences for Europe" begins... live image: #l4e #copywrong

lundi 15 avril 2013 à 10:59
One more excruciatingly boring meeting of "Licences for Europe" begins... live image: # #

jerezim: RT @RondPointParis: Ce soir 18h30 la résistance web chinoise s'invite au Rond-Point avec @pierrehaski et @chang_ping

samedi 13 avril 2013 à 12:46
RT @RondPointParis: Ce soir 18h30 la résistance web chinoise s'invite au Rond-Point avec @pierrehaski et @chang_ping

jerezim: @manhack: Ah tu sais ce que fait le javascript d'amazonaws, hébergé chez amazon, toi? :) #logicielespion #javascript #tracking

jeudi 11 avril 2013 à 16:02
@manhack: Ah tu sais ce que fait le javascript d'amazonaws, hébergé chez amazon, toi? :) # # #

jerezim: Hey, @manhack! Le site de @3615internets execute des logiciels espions (js) de google, amazon, & autres... :/ #pasgnu #pas1337

jeudi 11 avril 2013 à 14:46
Hey, @manhack! Le site de @3615internets execute des logiciels espions (js) de google, amazon, & autres... :/ # #

jerezim: Nice vid! Act n0W! > Defend your Privacy! - Stop Lobby War on new EU #Privacy Law! #EuDataP

jeudi 11 avril 2013 à 11:36
Nice vid! Act n0W! > Defend your Privacy! - Stop Lobby War on new EU # Law! #

jerezim: < Get your ticket for Observe, Hack, Make (OHM2013) - Jul.31st->Aug.4! #unmissable #hack #datalove

jeudi 11 avril 2013 à 11:21 < Get your ticket for Observe, Hack, Make (OHM2013) - Jul.31st->Aug.4! # # #

jerezim: Cette année-lààà @3615internets 1995 : @jerezim charge son 1er #mp3. Sa réaction : o_0 "Oh, ils l'ont fait !" > #napster

jeudi 11 avril 2013 à 09:53
Cette année-lààà @3615internets 1995 : @jerezim charge son 1er # Sa réaction : o_0 "Oh, ils l'ont fait !" > #

jerezim: [MUST WATCH] Eben Moglen on why Freedom of thought [...] requires Free software. Brilliant! <3 #datalove

mardi 9 avril 2013 à 19:28
[MUST WATCH] Eben Moglen on why Freedom of thought [...] requires Free software. Brilliant! <3 #

jerezim: La Quadrature du Net réprouve les pressions exercées par la #DCRI sur un responsable de #Wikimedia France #vieux

lundi 8 avril 2013 à 14:12
La Quadrature du Net réprouve les pressions exercées par la # sur un responsable de # France #