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Using Coveralls with Clojure

samedi 15 février 2014 à 14:29

Coveralls is a service that keep track of your tests coverage for you. It can notifies you when your coverage decreases under a custom threshold, and their bot comments on pull requests to report their tests coverage. Like Travis-CI, it allows you to add a badge to your readme with an up-to-date tests coverage percentage.

If you already test your GitHub projects with a CI server like Travis, it’s very easy to add Coveralls to your workflow. Unfortunately, they have a library for Ruby, a couple user-provided libraries for other languages such as PHP, Java and Python, but nothing for Clojure. Fortunately, they provide an API for unsupported languages like Clojure. Here is how to use it.


Cloverage is a Clojure library and a Leiningen plugin to get form-level tests coverage of your projects. It’s dead easy to use and generates HTML reports for you as well as some other formats.

Add their plugin to your project.clj:

(defproject your-project "0.1.0"
  ; ...
  :plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.0.2"]])

Use lein cloverage to run your tests and generate various reports. You can specify which Cloverage version you want to use with CLOVERAGE_VERSION. The latest stable one is 1.0.3, but we’ll need to use 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT for this article:



If you don’t already use it, signup on Coveralls using your GitHub account. Then, click on “Add Repo”, find your repo in the list and activate it. That’s all you have to do on their website for now.

Travis CI

You now need to custom your builds on Travis to use Coveralls. We’ll do it in a Bash script, so add this to your .travis.yml:

  - bash -ex test/

This tells Travis to run test/ after each build. We use Bash options -e and -x to respectively stop the script at the first failure and print each command.

Now edit test/ and add the following content:

CLOVERAGE_VERSION='1.0.4-SNAPSHOT' lein2 cloverage -o cov --coveralls
curl -F 'json_file=@cov/coveralls.json' "$COVERALLS_URL"

It’ll run Cloverage and output reports in cov (use another name if you prefer), using a report for Coveralls. This generates a coveralls.json file which can then be sent to their API. That’s what we do on the next line, using cURL.

That’s all! You can now push on GitHub, Travis will run your tests and send their tests coverage to Coveralls.


Coveralls doesn’t support partial-line tests coverage, so we’re cheating a little bit here using hits count. A line that it never covered has 0 hits, one that is partially covered has one hit, and a fully covered one has two hits. There’s an open issue regarding this.

Using Coveralls with Clojure

samedi 15 février 2014 à 14:29

Coveralls is a service that keep track of your tests coverage for you. It can notifies you when your coverage decreases under a custom threshold, and their bot comments on pull requests to report their tests coverage. Like Travis-CI, it allows you to add a badge to your readme with an up-to-date tests coverage percentage.

If you already test your GitHub projects with a CI server like Travis, it’s very easy to add Coveralls to your workflow. Unfortunately, they have a library for Ruby, a couple user-provided libraries for other languages such as PHP, Java and Python, but nothing for Clojure. Fortunately, they provide an API for unsupported languages like Clojure. Here is how to use it.


Cloverage is a Clojure library and a Leiningen plugin to get form-level tests coverage of your projects. It’s dead easy to use and generates HTML reports for you as well as some other formats.

Add their plugin to your project.clj:

(defproject your-project "0.1.0"
  ; ...
  :plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.0.2"]])

Use lein cloverage to run your tests and generate various reports. You can specify which Cloverage version you want to use with CLOVERAGE_VERSION. The latest stable one is 1.0.3, but we’ll need to use 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT for this article:



If you don’t already use it, signup on Coveralls using your GitHub account. Then, click on “Add Repo”, find your repo in the list and activate it. That’s all you have to do on their website for now.

Travis CI

You now need to custom your builds on Travis to use Coveralls. We’ll do it in a Bash script, so add this to your .travis.yml:

  - bash -ex test/

This tells Travis to run test/ after each build. We use Bash options -e and -x to respectively stop the script at the first failure and print each command.

Now edit test/ and add the following content:

CLOVERAGE_VERSION='1.0.4-SNAPSHOT' lein2 cloverage -o cov --coveralls
curl -F 'json_file=@cov/coveralls.json' "$COVERALLS_URL"

It’ll run Cloverage and output reports in cov (use another name if you prefer), using a report for Coveralls. This generates a coveralls.json file which can then be sent to their API. That’s what we do on the next line, using cURL.

That’s all! You can now push on GitHub, Travis will run your tests and send their tests coverage to Coveralls.


Coveralls doesn’t support partial-line tests coverage, so we’re cheating a little bit here using hits count. A line that it never covered has 0 hits, one that is partially covered has one hit, and a fully covered one has two hits. There’s an open issue regarding this.

Function-level Black-box Testing

dimanche 9 février 2014 à 21:50

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application (e.g. what the software does) without peering into its internal structures or workings (Wikipedia). While it’s usually done at a system level, I think the most obvious place it should be used is at the function level. It’s even more efficient if you write tests for someone else’s code. Here is how I write unit tests for functions.

Good Names

If you can’t tell what the function roughly does only by looking at its name, it’s usually because it’s badly named or it’s doing too many things, maybe you should break it in smaller functions. Look at its arguments names. Do they make sense to you? Do you understand what’s the function doing only by looking as its name and its arguments?

Good Documentation

You sometimes need to read a function’s documentation if its name is unclear or if it’s a complicated code area. This is your latest chance to understand the function, because in function-level black-box testing you can’t read the code, it would not be black-box anymore. If you understand the function, you can now write tests. If not, you should improve its name, its arguments names, and its documentation, in that order because it’s the order one reads it.

Good Tests

Good unit tests are short, incremental, and test only a specific case. Start with the simplest. Does the function takes a string? Give it an empty one. Does it take a number? Give it 0. Use null for objects. Then move to more edge cases: negative numbers, un-trimmed strings, uninitialized objects. Add more simple edge cases, but only once at a time. Then, combine those edge cases. Write more complex cases. Never combine two cases you never individually tested before. After all these edge cases, test the legitimate ones. Again start with the simplest, then add more complexity and combine cases.

Function-level Black-box Testing

dimanche 9 février 2014 à 21:50

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application (e.g. what the software does) without peering into its internal structures or workings (Wikipedia). While it’s usually done at a system level, I think the most obvious place it should be used is at the function level. It’s even more efficient if you write tests for someone else’s code.
Here is how I write unit tests for functions.

Good Names

If you can’t tell what the function roughly does only by looking at its name, it’s usually because it’s badly named or it’s doing too many things, maybe you should break it in smaller functions. Look at its arguments names. Do they make sense to you? Do you understand what’s the function doing only by looking as its name and its arguments?

Good Documentation

You sometimes need to read a function’s documentation if its name is unclear or if it’s a complicated code area. This is your latest chance to understand the function, because in function-level black-box testing you can’t read the code, it would not be black-box anymore. If you understand the function, you can now write tests. If not, you should improve its name, its arguments names, and its documentation, in that order because it’s the order one reads it.

Good Tests

Good unit tests are short, incremental, and test only a specific case. Start with the simplest. Does the function takes a string? Give it an empty one. Does it take a number? Give it 0. Use null for objects. Then move to more edge cases: negative numbers, un-trimmed strings, uninitialized objects. Add more simple edge cases, but only once at a time. Then, combine those edge cases. Write more complex cases. Never combine two cases you never individually tested before. After all these edge cases, test the legitimate ones. Again start with the simplest, then add more complexity and combine cases.

Function-level Black-box Testing

dimanche 9 février 2014 à 21:50

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application (e.g. what the software does) without peering into its internal structures or workings (Wikipedia). While it’s usually done at a system level, I think the most obvious place it should be used is at the function level. It’s even more efficient if you write tests for someone else’s code.
Here is how I write unit tests for functions.

Good Names

If you can’t tell what the function roughly does only by looking at its name, it’s usually because it’s badly named or it’s doing too many things, maybe you should break it in smaller functions. Look at its arguments names. Do they make sense to you? Do you understand what’s the function doing only by looking as its name and its arguments?

Good Documentation

You sometimes need to read a function’s documentation if its name is unclear or if it’s a complicated code area. This is your latest chance to understand the function, because in function-level black-box testing you can’t read the code, it would not be black-box anymore. If you understand the function, you can now write tests. If not, you should improve its name, its arguments names, and its documentation, in that order because it’s the order one reads it.

Good Tests

Good unit tests are short, incremental, and test only a specific case. Start with the simplest. Does the function takes a string? Give it an empty one. Does it take a number? Give it 0. Use null for objects. Then move to more edge cases: negative numbers, un-trimmed strings, uninitialized objects. Add more simple edge cases, but only once at a time. Then, combine those edge cases. Write more complex cases. Never combine two cases you never individually tested before. After all these edge cases, test the legitimate ones. Again start with the simplest, then add more complexity and combine cases.